
Responses from rakuennow

Cost Efficiency of 7.1 analog
Millicurie999, movie players are much more inexpensive than replacing pre/pros, and they are more stable (than newer pre/pros) to boot! I agree that 2 channel is the focus, and even in concert blu-rays, I care most about the coherency of the front... 
Cost Efficiency of 7.1 analog
Shadorne, that's an interesting solution; do you then measure the room response manually with an SPL meter? I suppose if it's only done once, then I could handle that and avoid having to invest in costly automatic room EQ. I've also been researchi... 
Cost Efficiency of 7.1 analog
Vicdamone, I agree! Analog IC's are going to be a pain in the ass, and are going to cost me some. Fortunately, I'm not a big proponent of expensive cables; I'm looking at Blue Jeans Cables 6 1m lengths for about $100. I got a Cobalt cable, I think... 
A/V recevier HDMI to TV, then Optical to DAC?
TV's don't usually have optical outs.What you want to do is:Video: blu-ray --> TV (HDMI)Audio: blu-ray --> DAC (optical) --> preampThis is assuming you only have 2 channels. Optical can only support 2 channels of lossless audio. 
Is there a consensus as to blu ray sound quality?
In my opinion, no, because of the blu-ray format itself. The extra processing of the blue laser goes into reading more data (storage) in the same surface area. Also, the blu format specifications don't support anything greater than upsampled redbo... 
have 1080i dvd player why need reciever with HDMI?
1. HDMI is just a connection, it does not upscale by itself. Aisip is right, though, that most new receivers have upscaler functions. I just need to clarify that HDMI and upscalers are separate entities.2. If your player does have HDMI out to your... 
High End audio card need recommendation
You didn't state whether you needed HDMI or just audio. If it's the latter, get a RME Fireface or MOTU and be done with it. Normal soundcards just cannot match these studio units. 
anyone compare HD DD w/ DVD to 1.3a receiver in?
I did not mean for you to take this so personally, Iplaynaked. I note your experiences, respectfully, but let's talk about "5. DD/DTS Decoding" for a bit, independently of all previously mentioned variables. That is, assuming all DAC's were equal,... 
anyone compare HD DD w/ DVD to 1.3a receiver in?
Well, I'm not at my house right now, and unfortunately won't be for another month. But I can't wait to get back there and report the results. I'm not too worried about 2-channel audio, since I could still use an optical to my Squeezebox. Supposing... 
anyone compare HD DD w/ DVD to 1.3a receiver in?
This is an interesting topic relevant to what I'm going through now. Though there are many HDMI 1.3 receivers on the market, only few produce good sound quality IMHO, and it seems most of the HDMI pre/pros short of $3k have their quirks and proble... 
What should I get for my first audio system?
1) Source - A dedicated laptop would create undesirable fan-noise in the living room. Look into a wireless interface, such as the Logitech Squeezebox or you could use the Airport Express.2) Amp - There's only 4dB difference between 50w and 120w, w... 
Needed subwoofer Recommendations.
I have a VMPS Larger and it works fine, but I'd rather refer you to craigsub's thread under AVSForum, where you'll find probably the most thorough subwoofer comparison I've seen. Try doing a search there for 'craigsub'.For a small room, the concen... 
Are you buying blu-ray versions of older movies?
All digital are shot in 4k or 8k resolution, far higher than 1080p. This would make practically any movie and most documentaries "1080 source material". The PS3 can play regular DVD's. Hope this helps. 
True HD without HDMI?
Why even worry about TrueHD when an HTIB may not even resolve the extra quality? Anyway, to answer your question, there is no multichannel analog output cable for the PS3. 
Getting Rid of Transformer Hum
The irony mentioned by Ngjockey is what confused me. I've since read plenty of articles like the one Tvad provided (btw, thank you), on magnetostriction and DC. However, the consensus seems to be that all quality Toroids and modern electric equipm...