
Responses from rademaker

Headphones vs loudspeakers
Dazzdax,I do not agree that headphones sounds better, from my system I can hear even more details, and reality, and acoustics sounds than the sound through the best headphones 
Very low speaker impedance
The ultra low 1 ohm loads has really nothing to do with outdated technology, it is simply what the designer intended to design and tninks what sounds best according to his opinion.Chris you should not thinks to theoretically, it is the total desig... 
Very low speaker impedance
Chris this is not true, current Kinoshita speakers are still using under the 1 ohm loads,. even with the current technology they themself are still the worldwide reference for true monitoring. 
Apogee Diva
Yes they are the best speakers ever made, but if your amp is not top notch, in that case the Apogee Diva will sound blurr.At least you must drive it with FM acoustics or Rey audio period !! 
Apogee Diva
Nothing comes close,world's best ever ! 
Lavry DA10 and CD transport
Totally disagree, I do not think the Lavry DA10 DAC is up to the task of the CEC TL-1X.If you try Lavry's top model, then there will be definetely difference 
Maggies and rolled off treble
No, there is not.The modern Magnepans are in fact the back side of the old Magnepan reversed to the front. 
Apogee vs Soundlab
Definetely the CAT Signature makes the sound sharper etc.Conrad Johnson is a much better choice, softer more musical but unfortunately not too realistic(typical golden sound) 
Most pleasing sound vs most hifi sound
If high resolution is done right, then it can sound beautiful ! beauty is in details. 
Parasound JC-1 power amplifier
Mark Levinson, Krell, Accuphase, Boulder or Parasound is definetely not SOTA.According to my opinion the only true SOTA are: FM acoustics and Rey audio, forget about all other brands. 
Apogee vs Soundlab
Yes it is true, it is very difficult to get good sound of the Apogee Diva, most amplifiers will not sing beautifully(also some expensive one's), it is far more easy to drive a Soundlab.But once you have matched your Apogee with the dedicated ampli... 
Apogee vs Soundlab
If both speakers are connected with top notch electronics, definetely the Apogee.More punch, more depth and realistic soundstage 
Maggies and rolled off treble
Dazzdax No that is absolutely not true !! again it is depending with what amplifier you are matching it period !-Old Magnepan has a more natural & musical sound balance compare to the new Maggies.-New Magnepans are more audiphile sounding you ... 
Maggies and rolled off treble
Yes I had the newer Magnepans as well, but traded in the very old generation ones, as the midrange was not au par with my former beloved Quad ESL 57.The new Magnepans are indeed more detailed, but at the same time lesser musical, lesser emotional,... 
Maggies and rolled off treble
It depends on the power-amp & other electronics you are matching it with.If you have top notch electronics, then I can assure you it is one of most musical speakers ever made.Especially the midrange of the old Magnepan is au par with the immor...