
Responses from rabelais

Preamp Deal of the Century
Hi Ecclectique--most interesting. Sometimes it seems like half of high fidelity audio can be attributed to half a dozen extremely impressive individuals. I was cued into the 6922/6BQ7 sub in Roger Modjeski's "Manufacturer's Comment" to the 2002 St... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Thanks Ecclectique. You're probably aware that Roger Modjeski uses the 6BQ7 as the driver for the Music Reference RM-200, and he has been quoted as saying that you can drop in a 6922 as a sub in that application. I want to preserve the finesse of ... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Is the 6N23EV a drop-in replacement for the 6BQ7? 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Just picked up a Music Reference RM-200 to amp a Chardonnay, using a half-recipe of Chris VH Cat-5 to drive Hales Revelation 2s. The RM-200 has 8, 4, 2, and 1 Ohm taps, with a hybrid design that allows the lower taps to produce successively *more*... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
I've learnt a lot from this thread, and certainly appreciate the sharing of info re the 6F6. For what it's worth, I did ask Mick about this about a week ago. He simply said "No;" he would not recommend it. He did not elaborate. Mick's take is of c...