
Responses from r3fico

Decision Time: revel F32's or JMLabs Electra 926
I listened to the F32s a couple of weekends ago and my experience was not very encouraging. They were harsh and metallic, listener fatigue set in very quickly. I hope this was because they were just out of the box. The one area of improvement over... 
Soundtracks that ROCK
"The Wedding Singer"Great road trip CD - has some great tracks from the 80's : New Order, the Smiths, David Bowie, Psychedelic Furs etc. 
beware ipod
I'm sorry to hear about your Ipod, I suspect you may have got a lemon. Why don't you take it to the nearest Apple store and ask for a replacement? Any moving part is subject to failure, in this respect the newer flash type memory disks may be more... 
Classe Cam200 or Ca201?
Reb1208 : I had the 15 not the DR15. I would agree with you - to my ears the 15 sounded more dynamic and "liquid" than the CA200 and the CA201. I had the 15 driving a pair of NEAR 50Me's (early 90's - one of the first full-range all metal-driver s... 
Classe Cam200 or Ca201?
I used to own a 15 and currently own a pair of CAMs. To my ears there's a noticeable difference. The CAM 200 kills both the CA 201 and the 15. The CAMs are faster, "punchier", more detailed, more dynamic - all without being harsh (depends on what ... 
Classe CAM 350 discontinued....why?
My .02 - keep your CAM 350's unless you're unhappy with them. The replacements will be "significantly" more expensive, as per Classe. Also keep in mind that the CAMs already have the circuitry and the same output devices found in the Omega series.... 
Sim Audio W5 -LE
Have not heard the W5 LE but I did consider purchasing an I5 LE. According to my dealer there are several upgrades over pre-September '03 models and output has been increased over the regular I5. I really like the silver plate and new badge, not t... 
Best single-malt Scotch...
I didn't get a response earlier so I'll ask again ... are your local liquor stores stocking Lagavulin? No luck in Indianapolis, no luck in the Chicago suburbs either. I've been reduced to begging my friends and relatives flying in to pick up a bot... 
Apple Ipod
My Ipod has never skipped in the year or so that I've owned it. Some of my buddies however have reported skipping on longer tracks (the Ipod may have trouble keeping its buffer full on these longer tracks).The Ipod sounds good for what it is, but ... 
Best and Worst Websites in Audio'dom
...... and of course AUDIOGON. How could I forget ;-) 
Best and Worst Websites in Audio'dom
Of the websites I've visited the following stand out: BEST: Bryston, Sim Audio (lots of useful information, white papers) WORST: Classe (limited information, a few pretty pictures) 
Best single-malt Scotch...
9 out of 10 stores I've been to in the last 6 months are out of Lagavulin. I've heard Lagavulin's bottled everything it had. Anyone know? 
classé makes noise on power off.
I have nothing but good thnigs to say about Armin. Fortunately I've never had to send in any of the Classe units I've owned for service, but everytime I called with a question, he was patient courteous and very helpful. 
Moving to UK, what to do?
Nothing like a hot and spicy curry to get you fired up. The Indian food in the UK is a lot better than here. I've never had a bad Indian meal in London. On the other hand 8 out of 10 Indian restaurants I've been to here in the US are mediocre or c... 
Moving to UK, what to do?
Depends on how long you will be there? Is this a short assignment or are you moving permanently. If you're moving permanently I would recommend getting the transformer taps on your amplifier reconfigured for 220/240 VAC (assuming its a multi-volta...