
Responses from r1g_audio

New Speakers for $2000
Unsound. Just to clarify, I didn't mean that you will not get good results if you don't use equipment that is balanced or any of the other characteristics that I mentioned. With Vandersteen it's not hard to get good results. I do recommend them if... 
New Speakers for $2000
Given the list of qualities you lay out in your post its an easy recommendation. I would go with a pair of Vandersteed model 2's. At the $2000 price point, nothing even comes close. They are very transparent, neutral and have tons of resolution. I... 
Best speaker cables for Creek 5350SE/MA Silver RS6
I had the same Creek you have but the MA 8's not the 6. Should be very close to what you have. The good thing is both components are fairly neutral so you don't need the cables to function as an EQ, they just need to transfer the signal. The MA's ... 
New Tweek - Has anyone ever tried this?
I don't claim to have all the answers but I have seen many threads where people use the "Original Audiophile Sony Playstation 1". Compared to that, I think me post is out of the ordinary. (I don't take offense to any of the comments because I know... 
Building a System around Magnepan Speakers...
I have always heard great things about Mangnepan speakers but never actually got to demo a pair. They really were not that expensive so I went out and got a new pair of 1.6's. I have to say that after living with them for over a year, they did not... 
Balanced XLR to RCA Adapters: Good or Bad?
I glanced quickly through some of the above posts where recommending adapters in the $75-$120. Given prices like that, I just felt the money can be put to better use. The main reason for this post is to include something I forgot yesterday. There ... 
Balanced XLR to RCA Adapters: Good or Bad?
Lewn. "If, in fact, you do upgrade, keep a couple of things in mind. Not all equipment and not all cables that have balanced connections are really balanced. With equipment, it is expensive to make a component fully balanced because they have to d... 
Balanced XLR to RCA Adapters: Good or Bad?
I disagree on re-terminating from balanced to single ended. As someone stated above, phono cartridges are inherently balanced. I don't see why you would want to take a real, fully balanced, piece of audio equipment and modify to single ended just ... 
Christmas in SW Florida, suggestions:
I have been living in the Naples/Ft Myers area for the last few years. Unfortunately, most of the people you meet here will be like Buconero117. I understand his frustration, though. The local Best Buy has hired all of the really knowledgeable peo... 
Complete newbie needing guidance/purchase advice
Getting into audio is great fun but can be very frustrating at times. You will make your share of mistakes; we all do. I don't like just telling people what they should go out and buy regarding equipment because it can bias you in a certain way an... 
Preamp with phase invert and balanced out???
With regard to the phase inverter, I would not fool with it unless you know, for sure that you can hear the difference. The reason I say this is that it took me years to actually hear the difference it makes, and then, only with some very high res... 
Which power cord more important?
Marakanetz,I knew that statement was going to come back to me the moment I hit the enter key. Your way makes complete sense but like everything in audio, I find there are always a few exceptions. The only reason that I threw that comment in was to... 
Which power cord more important?
All of the above advice, I think, is valid. The only thing I would ad is that power cords do not always make a better difference; a lot of times they do more harm than good. Also, when picking between one of your two components to do the cable upg... 
MH a300 vs A3.5?
I had a A3.5 and I was not at all impressed with it. The good points were that it appears to be well made and it has a lot of power. The down side is that you will never mistake this amp for tubes or even 'normal' solid state. The first thing you ... 
Warm tube preamp for under 1000
I had a conrad johnson pv-12. It has been out of production for some time but it has a very warm, traditional tube sound. For me it was a bit too warm but I was using it with a tube amp with el34's so it might too much because the amp was warm als...