
Discussions quincy has started

Installing '0' ring drive belt onto platter.....10051
Does your pet listen to your system?202849
Sub Woofers Added to full range Kef Reference 3~29962
Scientists studying how current really moves through wires and other objects.18638
Kef Reference Tweeters-Ferrofluid Replacement1653833
Replacing Ferrofluid In Kef Uni-Q Speakers33831
Polk Audio Legend L800 Speakers23452
Audition Your Speakers Online!?14445
Asking for help - Please! How to play CD's in car with no CD player!313926
Help- Review on Phono Stage17108
How is 'stereo' created by just one single stylus?17306
Would someone please explain how 'gain' functions?307512
Questions to J.A. Michell turntable owners...530421
Continental to market 'speaker free' technology.10290
MM or MC......Voyager Expedition24738