
Responses from ptheo

Merrill VERITAS monoblock amplifiers
Looks like I'm not the only one you thinks Merrill's amps are incredible! The reviewer echo's my thoughts on how real sounding they are. Good to know I am right. Great review! 
Merrill VERITAS monoblock amplifiers
Bill-k- Yes, $499 up to 3 meters(!) interconnect or speaker cable is VERY resonable in today's insanely priced cable market. 
Merrill VERITAS monoblock amplifiers
Hey Seadogs1!Now that I have had Merrill Audio ANAP cables(1M & 1.5M) in my system break in for a week, I sat down today to compare to my reference Tara labs the ‘TWO’. I have had the ‘ONE’ in 1/2M in my system as my reference, but since I... 
Merrill VERITAS monoblock amplifiers
You bet Seadogs1! They will be here Monday. 
Merrill VERITAS monoblock amplifiers
SO now after a month of listening(600+hrs), the VERITAS continue to sound better & better. They never fail to amaze me. The way they control my Apogee ribbon panel is incredible! Transients are so lighting fast to where I find myself jumping o... 
Merrill VERITAS monoblock amplifiers
You got it 4orreal! 
Merrill VERITAS monoblock amplifiers
Cool- Thanks for the info Snopro! Interconnect cables- I thought I had to downgrade cables when I received the VERITAS since they are now further away from my pre/pro. I went from 1/2M(Tara Labs The One) to 2M(Tara labs The Two) & thought my s... 
Merrill VERITAS monoblock amplifiers
I tried different power cords(Shunyata,AQ,Cardas) & returned to the pc that came with the amps- Triode Wire Company. I think they are great pc's! Bass is tighter & sound stage is more clear/precise with better depth. I will look into getti... 
Merrill VERITAS monoblock amplifiers
I’ve now owned the VERIRAS for two week, so after 250-300 hrs I’m ready to spill my guts!The Merrill VERITAS is incredible amplifiers I have ever owned, period-and not by a small margin. I’ll be bold and say someday Class A/AB & tube amps w... 
Merrill VERITAS monoblock amplifiers
Hifial- Give me another week so I can have two weeks with them before I post my final impressions. But I will give you a hint- Muddy Waters himself came down from Heaven the night I purchased them to give me a private concert! 
Merrill VERITAS monoblock amplifiers
Guiido- I use AQ Caldera wires right now. Soon I want to upgrade to Tara Labs 'One' which is the same as my IC's which I like alot. Something about that rectangular copper that just sounds right to me. 
Merrill VERITAS monoblock amplifiers
Don't forget guys these are demo units that reviews(Tone Audio) used so I suspect there are many hours are on them already. That is the only reason I gave them a listen so soon.Ha, I'll loosen up the Stillpoints when I get home tonight. I really w... 
Merrill VERITAS monoblock amplifiers
I have had them powered up with a signal on since I received them last Frday. But it only took 12hrs to come to a conclusion on there performance. Question-Should they be powered up all the time(like other Class D amps) or shut off after use every... 
Merrill VERITAS monoblock amplifiers
Hey guys- I will be posting my findings/review of the Merrill VERITAS amplifiers very soon. Paul 
Merrill VERITAS monoblock amplifiers