
Responses from psychicanimal

Tube Pre amp or Solid Pre Amp
What about a *hybrid* preamp? Why not get the best of both worlds?I think hybrid is where it's at... 
Do power cords really matter?
Good to know you like your new toy...I was going to buy it but realized you'd get the most out of it. Bob Bundus had told me they use one where he works, so when I saw it on eBay I knew what it was. From what you're saying, it could be possible to... 
Threshold FET9 or Monolithic PS-1
I own a Monolithic PS-1. I have not auditioned the other piece. What I can say is that if I was to upgrade it would have to be a Klyne. The Monolithic is quiet, musical, dynamic, with deep bass (as deep as my DAC's). Stereo imaging and separation ... 
Your Perfect Office System?
Get a beautiful secretary!!! 
Source for vinyl record storage boxes?
Cabco products specializes in record storage stuff. 
New Analog system. where to start?
It all started with a box of Pop Tarts, Seandtaylor...I just responded with humor! You should have seen her passing out technical literature...I fell in love--true love!!!Anyway, there's enough info in the archives--here and elsewhere--for someone... 
New Analog system. where to start?
What I like about the SOTAs:1) Machined polymer platter (beats glass & aluminum)2) Incredibly effective hanging suspension3) Vacuum system works wonders...What I don't like about the Rega:1) Cheap & feeble construction2) Lack of suspension... 
New Analog system. where to start?
Can you listen? Of course not, but that was the Rega leaflet back in 1982-83. Green with a drawing of the arm. They claimed that specs didn't matter because when placed on paper you couldn't listen to them (hence the sarcasm).It is very difficult ... 
Cables "Burn In"
I told you...Too bad you can't hear---I didn't say it with any derogatory meaning--just the plain truth.It's not good that you're taking this personal. I approached cable cooking with an open mind and gave Sean interconnects of which I had duplica... 
New Analog system. where to start?
You could have never worked construction... 
Just how obsolete are DD and DTS?
Thanks, Campbell. Sharp--as always you are... 
Just how obsolete are DD and DTS?
Well guys, you've seen my posts here: I started with a simple 2 channet HT, then a friend gave me a set of used Bose 901 IVs that need refoaming...About three weeks ago I watched Spiderman in a concave screen movie theatre and they were using Sony... 
New Analog system. where to start?
"I think if I was to buy a table/cart with a 1k budget, I would go for the sure thing with the fewest sources for trouble."Thanks for choosing a Technics SL-1200MK II w/ tonearm fluid damper. 
Condition this baby
Wasn't Bryston endorsing the Richard Grey Power Company units for their amps? Someone told me so... 
How does length affect power cable sound quality?
There's a couple of people you can call for an answer and I'm sure they'll help you:1) George Tice ( Bill Parish ('s line conditioners include a fixed TPT treated power cord--which *does* enhance the musica...