
Responses from psychicanimal

Preamp Phono Stage v Standalone + Linestage
I sometimes wish my vintage Yamaha A-1 dual mono integrated could be hotrodded to 2003 spec's and forget about all them interconnects, outboard power supplies, electronic crossover, line pre amp, DAC + phono stage & corresponding outboard powe... 
Digital vs. Analog a reasoned comparison
High end is who you are, not what you are. TTs need to be properly set up & matched and there are no belt drives in the sub $1K category that will give the pace, clarity and dynamics of a properly filtered $1K digital rig. Now, I have a KAB mo... 
Power cords
Tympanics? Now I get it...that's why most people like Bose! 
Power cords
Bottomsup: a fool and his money are easily parted indeed. Your electronics aquaintance is not misleading you on wasting money and you should search the archives. Most of these expensive power cords acts as filters (limiting musical extension), ton... 
Cable/Interconnect recommendation for B&W and MF
If you like Pure Note, here's a true story:I gave Lak some twelve feet of 12 ga, silver plated copper Teflon military surplus wire I get for 65 cents/ft (37 strands/conductor). He had it cryo treated for $10/lb and when we compared it in both our ... 
Review: RidgeStreet Audio MSE Gen.II Digital Link Interconnect
Psychicanimal--a catalyst? Of course--I self describe myself as an agent of change!!!Meeting Robert was not coincidence, as his partner was asst. mgr at my local Radio Shack and I started talking audio with him on my periodic visits. He started ta... 
At what level does analog beat digital?
Oz, you seem like a candidate for the creature on steroids!When Dan Wright sends back my modded belt drive transport and Lak brings his Ridge Street digital IC I'll have a chance to compare two outstanding rigs next to each other. I think that wit... 
Are today's interconnects really better?
Sean knows I got my Marantz Esotec class A monoblocks back from the shop and they are STUNNING! 
At what level does analog beat digital?
Ozfly, will the Teres be good enough? Just asking. I just purchased a used Dennensean air suspension and granite slab for my creature on steroids and is amazing how vibration can rob the system of clarity, musicality and imaging. Once the creature... 
Best CDP isolation device you use?
Jahaira's tweaks are well though out and carefully tested. It is hard to visuallize what they are exactly unless one actually sees them or a picture--but I've witnessed them in action. He is right about Moca wood. It was the very first time both o... 
CD Treatments-Which ones do you like?
Aluminum foil does the demagnetizing. Just clasp the CD against aluminum foil. Learned this from Mr. Hans-Martin of Germany. 
Audiopoints vs Mapleshade brass cones
I have both Audiopoints and original Mapleshade Triple Points. So far, I like the Audiopoints better, but the Audiopoints are not for every application either. It's all relative. DeKay's suggesion is good--if your funds are limited try IKEA Lack t... 
Rega P25 vs, Music Hall MMF-7 or 9
You should search the archives. Hint: the answer is not belt drive... 
Power Cords Snake Oil ??
Corona is a Mexican beer... 
Do I need a machine to clean ?
Here is a DIY record cleaning machine...***