
Responses from psychicanimal

$800 Cartridge Shootout and Upgrade Path
Art needs to answer the question, too. It's not a trick question--and Raoul unknowingly starts answering it... 
$800 Cartridge Shootout and Upgrade Path
Raoul, what's this blah, blah, blah?I'll ask you a very simple question--and most people here know the answer:What percentage of the music is in the record? 
Is extremely accurate "VTA" adjustment necessary?
A used 1200 will let you know if on the fly VTA is for you. 
What is the best component video cable available?
...and the Yak's mountain oysters deliver the ultimate in strength and male vitality. Two days after eating them you start growing hair out of your nose and out of your... 
Help - Need Audiophile advice on small systems
For compact combined audio/2ch HT nothing beats small D'Appolito array speakers with a small quality integrated like the TAD-Cayin TA-30 and a kick ass DVD player of your choice. Basic interconnects (like VenHaus Pulsar), DIY speaker wire and a cr... 
Least Controversial, Reasonably Priced AC Upgrades
Rxwacko, I would rather wait for a used 5K Xentek and use the remaining money to get a two brick DeZorel with ground filtering brick for your transport and DAC. Lak says it's every bit as good as the Special Edition T4. I trust his hearing and set... 
Time to get things straight.
I originally started using a Gardo Blue since I had two housemates, one with little children visiting on weekends.I don't think it's a good idea to change the arm. If you already have the damper, then the power supply is the next major step. If yo... 
Least Controversial, Reasonably Priced AC Upgrades
My next setup, when I get a decent apartment( God willing )is going to be as follows:After an electronics grade surge protector, one 30 amp dedicated line star wired feeding two 220V/110V stepdown transformers/filters: The 3KW ONEAC for the power ... 
Designing VPI HRX turntable stand long
My dining table is Maple, my TT shelf is Caribbean Moca... 
Least Controversial, Reasonably Priced AC Upgrades
I want CDs... 
DIY Isolation Platform
That should work really good w/ big isolation transformers (plus some hardwood boards & cones). I've used foam/bubble wrap with my power delivery/noise control gear successfully. 
Least Controversial, Reasonably Priced AC Upgrades
Lak, Toledo is a dump (the Land of the Bitter, in my words). I was sent there because nobody wanted the job--I applied for a position in Chicago. They sent me (and left me there) cause I was single, unemployed and my lease was expiring in two week... 
Least Controversial, Reasonably Priced AC Upgrades
I'm not harsh--I'm unemployed! It's cheaper to give me $100...small price to pay for *personalized* assesment. Look at what Lak did after he heard my power rig!Gifts are accepted, too! RX8man got a complete & thorough power/noise assesment and... 
Least Controversial, Reasonably Priced AC Upgrades
Search the archives..or send me $100 and I'll help you. 
Is extremely accurate "VTA" adjustment necessary?
It's not a bad site at all. Evidently he's made a big effort to find out what suits his taste. He also found a great niche photographing wedding$, which allows him all that spare cash. I'm wondering what would happen if he'd insert all Poiema cabl...