
Responses from psychicanimal

what is good sound ?
Good Sound Club  
Acoustic TReatments - What, How much, & Where?
There is a thread somewhere here that describes the DIY version of the Sylines. It's simple but tedious. 
Acoustic TReatments - What, How much, & Where?
I use test CDs to give me an idea of what's going on. For the final details I use listening tests and intuition. 
Cable Costs Relative to System
In blind test I would bet anything you could not pic Radio shack spoole wire form the The crazy 1K plus cables. Any money. Snake oil is snake oil. I dont need to brag on spending 5k on wire. To many on this site do.Now, that's quite a generalizati... 
Backing out of audiophilism for now
Dewald, you need to go dancing. And I don't mean going to the meat markets. If you don't know (I think you don't) you should take lessons. Enjoy the *physical* part of music. Where I work there's about six hundred people--most of them women--and t... 
Acoustic TReatments - What, How much, & Where?
XLO CD is good--also the Granite Audio bass CD. 
Acoustic TReatments - What, How much, & Where?
I wrote a post for the Rives forum this morning--and the server lost it--along w/ my stream of thought!!!Rives, the Marantz Esotec Ma-5 class A monoblocks are keepers. The Ma-5's have the magic holographic, harmonic presentation & decay of tub... 
Comparing some mid-line interconnects - thoughts?
Short list: VenHaus Pulsar, Ridge Street Audio Midnight Silver Edition. You pick: silver or copper. Thereare two approaches, depending on the quality of power going to your DAC & transport. I can use silver in my system; most systems will tran... 
Backing out of audiophilism for now
Seems like you need one of my *prescriptions*. 
Can the sound of SS amp deteriorate over time??
I also feel that providing your SS equipment with purified electricity provided by a good AC line conditioner and good power chords can't hurt.Like drinking pure water?*** 
Which cable is most important to spend money on...
>>Everything is system dependent<< I've learned through experience that phrase is a cliché used to justifiy not so good stuff/choices...or stuff/choices that compensate idiosyncracies/biases.Robert Ridgestreet has designed his power co... 
Which cable is most important to spend money on...
Well, Robert Ridgestreet's answer is theoretically correct. They day he can implement it (that is, marketing) for the average audiophile he'll become a millionaire! In the real world budget where I live, working on power delivery/noise control usi... 
Which cable is most important to spend money on...
You can do EXTREMELY well with inexpensive speaker wire and power cords, but not with interconnects. The important issue is to have power delivery/noise control and room acoustics worked properly prior to auditioning anything. Regarding the *order... 
Dipping my toe into analog
Can anyone tell me what has improved in turntable design in recent years.Nothing. 
Dipping my toe into analog
Keep the Stanton!!!