
Responses from pragmatist

What to phase plugs do, and how do they function?
I don't know either and await,with interest,the responses from persons who do. Yes,I have muddled through the posts about "time coherence",much of which is beyond me. 
Should Escrow be Required?
Dear Buyer. Of course it is not your fault that you have no feedback,everybody has to start someplace. I would prefer to make payment into your bank account so there is a record in the federal reserve system functioning as a bill of sale. As soon ... 
Therapeutic music:
John Coltrane's father was a primitive church minister in North Carolina;John was effected by religion at an impressionable age. Coltrane moved to Philadelphia to go to decent schools. After leaving the army,he made a detailed study (and practice)... 
An Aaron Copland Question
Whatjd:I never met Copland and have not read a biography.(His What to Listen For in Music is excellent.) Perhaps he meant common in the sense of someone without a title of nobility,perhaps not. 
An Aaron Copland Question
Choral or Classical Vocal Recordings - Must Have
I'd add the Mozart Requium,Bach Motets,Handel Messiah,Beethoven 9th, Stravinsky Symphony of Psalms, some Palestrina,and some Schubert song cycles. 
Which artists do you just not get?
MahlerI freely admit that it's my fault I don't understand his music and yes,I know he had to put up with his music not being performed during some periods because he was Jewish.I find his music self-rightous and long winded. I can take or leave O... 
Good Classical discs for "beginners"
Before I answer the question allow me to suggest these two books: 1. What to Listen For in Music,by Aaron Copland. 2. Building a cd Library, by Ted Libbey.(That may not be the exact title,but it's close.) Here are some basic musics.--Baroque JS Ba... 
How many CD/LPs do you need?
A couple hundred and an fm tuner. 
Ok this will be a good thread.
For me,the most important considerations are the compatability of the components and the system's fit in the listening room. You could take expensive pieces,mismatch them,have them too large or too small for the room and end up with an expensive m... 
hifi as investment?
As a dabbler in value investing,I define an investment as something that produces a dividend, an interest,or a rent, that I buy when it's undervalued and plan to sell when it's overvalued. Wines,art works,coins,precious metals,and audio equipment ... 
Does bewiring decrease "wholeness" ?
Herewith this modest proposal: Get a friend and a blindfold and try them both ways, without your knowing which way is which, with a cd you've heard at least a hundred times. Can you hear a difference? If so,wire them the more desirable way. 
Best Sax Jazz
Parker, Ornathology(Crumby recording,be forewarned)Rollins, Horn CultureColtrane, Giant Steps,My Favorite Things 
Perfect Pitch?
William Schumann and others demonstrated that true tone deafness is as rare as ptomane poisoning. Pitch recognitions can be taught and learned. By using Curin hand signals and Solfege syllables,the intervalic relationships among pitches can be kin... 
Damned if I Do and Damed if I Don't
Let me restate what others have said. Let her pick the cabinet maker and let her ok the plan. She will have esthetic consistency;you will have a furniture quality cabinet.