
Responses from poetcatullus

Proceed CDD Transport
P.S.: I currently own both an SFT-1 and a Stello CDT-200. I consider the Stello to be a "copy" of the SFT-1. I have a slight preference for the sound of the Stello over the SFT-1. I am happy to have one of each and may not benefit by adding the Pr... 
Proceed CDD Transport
Very interesting, Tabl10s! So even though the Proceed CDD is supposed to be similar to the ML31, the ML31 sounds better than the SFT-1, yet the SFT-1 sounds better than the Proceed CDD? Am I understandind this correctly? Thank you! 
Proceed CDD Transport
I have heard that the Proceed CDD has a proprietary jitter-reduction (elimination?) circuit. The Sonic Frontiers and Stello also claim very low jitter. Whether it makes a difference how the jitter is lowered, I do not know. Perhaps some other Audi... 
Philips Transport Remote Open Button ???
Thanks, Rock. You may have something here. If so, my guess would be that something in the manufacturing process is causing a deposit of some kind to land on the "disc" button and no place else. The Stello remote is brand new. 
OK Stereophiles I Need a CD Player
If you want something under $1000 including shipping (which is expensive because I lack the original box and the machine is heavy), I will sell you my "minty" Sony CDP-XA7ES below blue book. Read the reviews and see what you think. 
CD player - need your opinion
Hello! You should be able to find several reviews of the Sony CDP-XA7ES on the internet. I have one and I had to buy "expensive" separates to get better sound. My personal experience, having also owned an Audio Research CD-2, is that the Sony and ... 
New DAC or player?
My answer will be slanted, because I believe in quality transports, such as the Sonic Frontiers SFT-1 or the new Stello 200. The most economical upgrade for you could be a one-box player. I am also a believer in second-hand gear because I think th... 
DAC question -- Importance of good vibes
Dear Jay, et al: I must say something here that is off the subject albeit related to Jay's "vibrations in the notes" theory. This may relate to, as well as help explain, why the sound of a pipe organ can never be 100% authentically duplicated by e... 
best CD player or DAC under $1000
Dear "84"--I will add my vote for the Sony CDP-XA7ES. I had to buy some good separates to beat it and then not by much. I still have my Sony and am willing to part with it for a reasonable price if you might become interested. Shipping will probab... 
Any Benefits of a DAC vs a one box player?
340-square-foot listening room with a 9-foot ceiling--nice! It is my understanding that the DACs in the CD-2 and the DACs in the DAC-5 are the same DACs. If one reads the product literature on these 2 units, they appear to be the same equipment. O... 
New journey - Samsung HD841 Universal Player
Hi Trelja,Very interesting! I must say that I found one phrase in your write-up to be highly amusing. I am 51 and my parents are both still living. I believe it is my dad more than my mom who picked up an expression from his parents that always se... 
Reimyo DAP 777 - looking for a good transport
Dear Mr. Vermeer,A nice transport for you would be if you could find a lightly used Sonic Frontiers SFT-1. Something new on the scene that seems to be gaining a good reputation is April Music's Stello CDT-200 transport. I wish you all the best! 
Music from hard drive better than CD?
Wow! To all of the above: Wow! I just want to say that I am also duly impressed with everything Rabelais has to say. It is somewhat like reading Aquinas in that you know there is genius there even if you don't 100% comprehend it. Just for the reco... 
Suggestions for a transport under $1000
Although Joey54 above probably has the best advice, I have heard tell that the Sony CDP-XA7ES makes a good transport. I have been trying to verify this with no luck yet. The only drawback is that it only has RCA and toslink digital outputs. Howeve... 
Should I add a DAC ? Which one ? Never used one?
You might want to consider the Audio Research DAC-5 that I have recently listed for sale here on AudiogoN. I bought it because it has the same DACs inside as the AR CD-2 player. I think it sounds better (at least in my system) than the CD-2. (I al...