
Responses from plutos

Wilson Audio Haters
Long live our big leader and pathfinder Bo! I use the Onkyo PR-SC5509 these days as a pre amp. With Audyssey Volume and EQ you can reveal details which are not there even with the best highend pre amp. I give you a few examples. Compared to the ... 
Wilson Audio Haters
itzhak1969,Sorry I don`t agree. Even the biggest speakers like Focal Grand EM benefit from properly installed subs. Of course you need a fast sub that matches your mains. Your statement may be somewhat correct if your listening room is very small... 
Wilson Audio Haters
p59teitel,LOL :)ricred,I can confirm again that MA PLII series are some special speakers. Very nice sounding and the stage is very spatial. I have listened these many times with different amps and they are far from distorted sounding. Vast majori... 
Wilson Audio Haters
milpai,It´s impossible. How can he post his 3D system on 2D forum.  
Wilson Audio Haters
We are all deeply thankful to Bo for his continuous enlightenment!Bo is a king of audio!Amen 
Wilson Audio Haters
Bo,......your head is 2 dimensional lol :)Do you seriously think that some crappy messed up network player can compete with Marantz SA-1?I have owned the Olive 06HD as I have loads of other digital. Olive is sonically light years from SA-1.And y... 
Wilson Audio Haters
Audiogon is a lot of fun for me. I need to laugh all the time when I read the reactionsYes for me too. I got a good laugh when I saw your system set up so "proffesionally". All nicely lined up against the wall. Tru-Fu is probably hiding behind t... 
Need recommendation for a CD player
Maranz is nice but for the SA-113 price you can find a used SA-1 or SA7. These are some of the very best digital players at any price. And yes I have tried and owned a lot of different digital players. 
Wilson Audio Haters
clearthink, I wonder if some of us become Bo`s client`s, do we all start to think and write exactly same way as Bo?He is being generous by contributing here to share his knowledge about Tru-Fi and the way it can be applied using properties to m... 
Wilson Audio Haters
bo1972YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND IT ... Yes we don´t understand what this mythical and indeterminate " Tru-Fi " actually is so please explain us what rituals you do that all your systems sound so much better than all others?     
Wilson Audio Haters
Bo, can you explain how your mantra helps us? 
Wilson Audio Haters
It`s simple. No trial no errors ....... Bo simply knows. Buy MA and that`s it! 
Wilson Audio Haters
There is actually some truth in bo`s mantra. We have a local dealer here who carries MA line and I can confirm that PL line is capable of magical 3D stage that majority of other brands can`t touch. Despite it is not the absolute best player in al... 
Krell Kps28c vs Marantz SA-1
I actually have both currently, SA-7S1 and SA-1. SA-1 is clearly superior but SA-7S1 will still slash all other digital front end that I have owned. SA-7S1 seems a bit more reserved but also very very good. Plus 3 different filter settings to mach... 
Krell Kps28c vs Marantz SA-1
I have no experience with KPS28c but you can`t go wrong with Marantz SA-1. I have owned and compared my SA-1 with lots of diferent players and digital combos from Burmester, Accuphase, Esoteric, Wadia, and even Zanden but none of them came close t...