
Responses from pjwd

Replace the Supratek Chardonnay with Accuphase?
Jay461 - if you replace output caps with v-caps it improves the extension and detail in the bottom end - at least that is what it did in my cortese - there are some comments on it on the large supratek thread.Regards 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Dev, the backgrounds became blacker and the instruments more clearly articulated - A similar effect that you seem to get with any vibration isolation or damping tweak.I should have tried them one by one but whacked them all on at once - I suspect ... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Hi clipsal - I just added a full suite of herbies tube dampers to all tubes on the cortese and it made quite a difference. Bummer to hear the Cab is that far ahead though. Would you say the bass with 101D is still superior to suavignon/cortese ( w... 
Brisbane, Australia
For all those interested in an Audio Club in Brisbane you can contact the club via this website. The club meets monthly and members have a wide variety of interests and gear.http://www.qldaudioclub.org.au/Cheers 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Hi folks, I have owned a cortese for 2 years and have been recently going through the isolation issue with DIY racks and isolation platforms. I removed feet from pre and PS added a solid hardwood 20mm base ( left the metal base by screw fixing it ...