

Responses from pjr801

Most amusing album or song titles
None of these are overtly funny but... Don't Fight It, Marsha, It's Bigger Than Both of Us -Blam Blam Blam/ Never Mind the Bollocks its...The Sex Pistols / The Blues, the Whole Blues and Nothing But the Blues ...David Bromberg/Trou... 
Silver is the appropriate color for everything but speakers.
Not too Fussed.Its whats inside that  counts.Books and covers? 
Give Satanic Majesties A Chance
Not the only Stones album to plumb the depths with Emotional Rescue beginning a slide arrested temporarily by Tattoo You. 
CD Treatment
Didn't there used to  be rubber bands that went around the disc? 
Pass X150.5 or Odyssey Stratos monos?
I never look at equipment with resale value in mind. I just want to enjoy it and if I choose well it should stay with me ad infinitum.  
Jeff Bagby passes away due to Covid
I didn't know Jeff and reading the article in the Washington Post leaves me with regret. He sounds like a great guy. Condolences to his family and friends.  
Jazz for someone who doesn't like jazz.
Woody Allens movies have great soundtracks and if you like Woodys movies its a great way to discover some great music otherwise his soundtracks are available seperately 
Bookshelf speaker for an apartment
What source do you use?  I think the speakers you have suit your situation. Are the totems bi-wire able? Perhaps a matching sub might be an option. With the home theatre amp, you can bi-wire using separate speaker outputs, it has a sub out option ... 
Floored by Beatles "White Album" Reissue
The 2019 reissue of Abbey Road (its remixed and reformatted)is worth investing in also. I have the digital versions of both. The Blu-ray 7.1 is unbelievable. I'm looking at investing in the vinyl after reading this post. Got to say that this is de... 
bose 1801 amplifier
If it's in great condition. Definitely needs a really full check-over. 
A moment when you realized better sound was possible.
Back in the 80s as a freshman in college I heard my first CD player. The technology seemed pretty cool but I was afraid to be on the only one in the crowd saying "vinyl sounds better". So I suppose it was a moment when I realized worse sound... 
Aragon 2004
The Aragon amp you are looking at was built in Connecticut by the company that was building Mark Levinson at the time. It is an excellent amp and a steal at that price. I would buy both and make monoblocks out of them.+1 
Suggestions for good cheap Equalizer
Maybe this is the direction to explore.There's a post somewhere here about it recently.Black Ice Audio Foz SS-X Sound Enhancement   
Aragon 2004
Wasn't the 4004 a Dan D'agostino design? 
How bad is this?
Any repairs I have undertaken, my first stop is taking the cover off to see the damage-I had a mouse fried in my quad monoblocks -didn't cause any damage luckily but sure smelt bad until we found the source. Next is to get a few pics and see your ...