Responses from pjr801
Most amusing album or song titles None of these are overtly funny but... Don't Fight It, Marsha, It's Bigger Than Both of Us -Blam Blam Blam/ Never Mind the Bollocks its...The Sex Pistols / The Blues, the Whole Blues and Nothing But the Blues ...David Bromberg/Trou... | |
Silver is the appropriate color for everything but speakers. Not too Fussed.Its whats inside that counts.Books and covers? | |
Give Satanic Majesties A Chance Not the only Stones album to plumb the depths with Emotional Rescue beginning a slide arrested temporarily by Tattoo You. | |
CD Treatment Didn't there used to be rubber bands that went around the disc? | |
Pass X150.5 or Odyssey Stratos monos? I never look at equipment with resale value in mind. I just want to enjoy it and if I choose well it should stay with me ad infinitum. | |
Jeff Bagby passes away due to Covid I didn't know Jeff and reading the article in the Washington Post leaves me with regret. He sounds like a great guy. Condolences to his family and friends. | |
Jazz for someone who doesn't like jazz. Woody Allens movies have great soundtracks and if you like Woodys movies its a great way to discover some great music otherwise his soundtracks are available seperately | |
Bookshelf speaker for an apartment What source do you use? I think the speakers you have suit your situation. Are the totems bi-wire able? Perhaps a matching sub might be an option. With the home theatre amp, you can bi-wire using separate speaker outputs, it has a sub out option ... | |
Floored by Beatles "White Album" Reissue The 2019 reissue of Abbey Road (its remixed and reformatted)is worth investing in also. I have the digital versions of both. The Blu-ray 7.1 is unbelievable. I'm looking at investing in the vinyl after reading this post. Got to say that this is de... | |
bose 1801 amplifier If it's in great condition. Definitely needs a really full check-over. | |
A moment when you realized better sound was possible. Back in the 80s as a freshman in college I heard my first CD player. The technology seemed pretty cool but I was afraid to be on the only one in the crowd saying "vinyl sounds better". So I suppose it was a moment when I realized worse sound... | |
Aragon 2004 The Aragon amp you are looking at was built in Connecticut by the company that was building Mark Levinson at the time. It is an excellent amp and a steal at that price. I would buy both and make monoblocks out of them.+1 | |
Suggestions for good cheap Equalizer Maybe this is the direction to explore.There's a post somewhere here about it recently.Black Ice Audio Foz SS-X Sound Enhancement | |
Aragon 2004 Wasn't the 4004 a Dan D'agostino design? | |
How bad is this? Any repairs I have undertaken, my first stop is taking the cover off to see the damage-I had a mouse fried in my quad monoblocks -didn't cause any damage luckily but sure smelt bad until we found the source. Next is to get a few pics and see your ... |