Responses from pjl2122
Advice on choosing speakers responding to speakers and choices for starters, time aligned loudspeakers if done properly make a noticable difference .Such as GreenMOuntain audio. I have had several big name brands 1st order and other designs .JUst recently Green mountain put ... | |
Talon Raven C do they work at low listening levels hello I had the ravens and scarpted the issue of low level detail and low volume with the ceramics not to goos ,I ended up buying green mountains for now- callistos which are great .he has several new models coming out in the next month .1st order... | |
Vandersteen 5 vs Green Mountain Continuum 3? I have heard both ,the green mountains are true to the signal certainly better balanced from top to bottom and instruments are more natural in tone and inflections .And the speed is not at all lagging .the vandi is just a shade behind in absolute ... | |
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE this is a no Brainer I have gone to many shows ,spoken with hundreds of designers and listened to hundreds of systems ,the loudspeaker-s that are easiest to work into a room and the most balanced are ,In my opinion ,the New JMR- Jean Marie Reynuad... | |
Best overall Speakers for $2,500.00 or less, New? I have been into mixing and matching for over 25 years and by far the Jean Marie Reynauds Trente are the most musical in the truest sence for musical enjoyment .I am a sound engineer and a highly experienced audiophile .Compared to the Spendors,wh... | |
Is there a"giant Killer" CDP ? the gamutcd-1mk2 competes with players twice the $3,000price and that goes for the big names .it is so much better than the burr brown unit from their past.it has it's own isolation platform plus at around 24 lbs it is a steal at the price ,use a ... | |
NAD C522BEE here yet? Reports? hello the 542 is noticably better than the 522 ,inside are the nichicon caps they are very expensive and the dacs are better , plus seperate power supplys.don't let anyone fool you.the machine is the replacement for the excellent 541i,that got exc... | |
Help with Hi Power Tube Amp Selection the manleys, and vtl eat tubesat a much faster rate ,i know i speak with the guys who sell tubes.these tubes are made to run hot.ask vintage tube service. |