Responses from pickindoug
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery @verafiaudio "The "simple answer" is that FuseBox will hold 100% current rating indefinitely. When steady current consumption gets to 110% it will trip." Unfortunately, this characteristic will subtract dynamic replenishment from my system, whi... | |
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery @ verifiaudio "You are correct - no B+ or Speaker Fusing please - AC Mains ONLY. SDFB is very safe and has proven itself to be very reliable and easy to use. " That doesn't quite answer my question regarding the response time of the SDFB vs con... | |
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery As an avid audio enthusiast and repair/restoration tech, I'm always eager to learn about opportunities to improve existing gear. This post prompted a poke around the 'net to see what more could be gleaned from the SDFB. First of all, it appears ... | |
What's the value in lots of capacitors inside a line stage preamp? If you have lots of capacitors in a line stage, presumably tube, preamp are primarily for filtering the power supply. Without going to the trouble of looking up that CJ pre schematic, there shouldn't be more than two coupling caps per channel....... | |
Can you tell the difference between a $200 and a $200,000 guitar? As some have said, a great player will make an average guitar sound good, but it's like asking Mario Andretti to drive a Yugo in a race. Even a pair of $5000 guitars from the same luthier may sound different, as each piece of wood is unique. Wel... | |
DAC suggestions for a reasonably modest system @cundare2 I was surprised not to see HFR until your post. But they are streamer DACs, so perhaps that was the reason. If you were to isolate the DAC portion only, aside from the comparison to the 103D, where would you position it in the spectr... | |
DAC suggestions for a reasonably modest system @jji666 I had considered using the XLR outs with an adapter, but the balanced output voltage is twice that of the RCA, so I'd need to introduce some passive circuitry to attenuate. And in the random bit of music studio work I've done, adapting ... | |
Do you trust your ears more than measurements? I use measurements for what they're good for, and use my ears for the rest. Most everything I have is vintage, so it winds up on the bench for safety and performance checks. If it's possible, I will listen first, then measure. We don't listen t... | |
DAC suggestions for a reasonably modest system To wrap up, a few names I wasn't as familiar with, so that's very helpful as I narrow the choices. Seems like the Pontus is the budget stretch choice, the Yggy right behind it, and a host of good choices from there right down to pocket change lev... | |
DAC suggestions for a reasonably modest system Appreciate all the input! Now to see what comes along in the local market (Atlanta area). | |
DAC suggestions for a reasonably modest system More excellent choices. Really appreciate all the input. I had a friend's Ares II at the house for a few weeks. It was nearly new, so not quite broken in. I liked it but at the time I could not consistently choose it over the other DAC in my s... | |
DAC suggestions for a reasonably modest system Thanks for all the responses so far! You've definitely expanded my field of consideration. | |
DAC suggestions for a reasonably modest system SMSL is a Chinese brand. The SU-9n was a step up from either of my Schiit Modi DACs (one a multibit, the other a 3E. At the time I was DAC buying I needed a remote volume, and the SMSL had that feature. Yes, I'm definitely looking at used DACs ... | |
Good measuring DACs vs. I really didn't discover DACs until I started ripping CDs to a NAS. The improvement vs using the CD player wasn't subtle. First DAC I bought was an Emotiva. Impressive thing with a hefty remote control, sounded fine. Then I bought a Modi Multb... | |
It's attention, not money, we should budget As others have said, the choice of speakers matters the most, regardless of relative cost to the whole. Buying used high end gear at a reasonable fraction of MSRP can change the relative cost/investment proportions quite a bit. It can take a bit... |