
Responses from pickindoug

Basic question about sensitivity
As many have posted, the nominal impedance varies with frequency.  Getting lower efficiency speakers to make a sound with a few watts isn't that difficult, but getting the most out of them with insufficient power is.  Nearly all sensitivity rating... 
What was the first power cable that you noticed a difference in the sound?
With the exception of my DAC and a VTL power amp, none of my gear has IEC connectors for power cords.  Most of my amps are vintage SS and tube, but a few of the comments regarding power supply reserve as a way of reducing impact of power cords piq... 
@calvinj  Your comment "people have the right to hate".   Hate is nothing more than a negative response to fear, whether it's fear of someone's appearance or ideas being different (and possibly better than one's own), fear of missing out (sour g... 
They're very much in business, but like many small manufacturers who focus on high value, moderate cost products, the emphasis is on R&D for new products and making the current ones at a pace that satisfies long term demand.  I'm on my 3rd set... 
I'm surprised that a dealer would need to ask this question if there's any real selling that takes place in his business.  Human nature dictates that the more comfortable we are with our decisions for everything from stuff to life's forks in the r... 
Anyone else using slugs instead of fuses? Comments on metals used and sound please
@thecarpathian  It's not my topic to speculate what else should be considered, but when approximately 1/4" x 1-1/4" of a specific material in the signal or power supply path makes a sonic difference to someone's ears, it's a reasonable question t... 
10 gauge power cord. Too much power for tube amp?
The McIntosh model you're using is a monoblock.  A 300 watt tube monoblock.  So if you're turning two of these on at the same time and they're connected to the same 15 amp outlet that might push things a bit, especially if that outlet and its asso... 
Anyone else using slugs instead of fuses? Comments on metals used and sound please
With results as described by the OP and many of those who've added comments, if passing signal through various more-or-less conductive metals provides sonic results, why limit the application to a short section in the fuse holder?    
Did a satisfaction threshold exist under 1000 bucks ?
One of my best audio eureka moments was earlier this year.  My system is based on "carefully curated components" within a reasonable budget.  I have been through at least 20 amp/preamp combinations and ultimately settled on Convergent SL-1, a few ... 
Generalized attributes of amplifier technologies
You've been down a few more paths than I have.  I still haven't warmed up to Class D, but have otherwise been through countless tube and ss amps in class A and AB topologies.  Separated the treasure from the trash in both cases.  Powered "difficul... 
Can anyone explain what a power tube does inside an amplifier, eg kt88.
There's a reason why the Brits refer to vacuum tubes as valves....it's a bit more visually comprehensible.  The smaller signal input to the grid modulates the current flow from cathode to plate and through the output transformer.  It's akin to mec... 
Does it make sense to "ignore low ball offers"?
It all depends on how aggressively I've priced the gear for sale.  I rarely use that statement, as it does convey a bit of arrogance.  Better to say "firm and fair" or "a little flexibility with the price" if that is the case.  As a buyer, I am ve... 
Any High End Tube Preamps with *gasp tone controls?
If you like affordable vintage, the SP3a1 is hard to beat.  Costs less than Mac preamps, and based on my experience with a 110Z and C20, easily outperforms them.  The ability to defeat the tone control when it isn't needed is a sonic bonus.  
As A Youngster, What Unit Puqued Your Interest In All This?
One of my best friends in grade school introduced me to his parents' ARXa, PAS-3, Stereo 70, and AR3a speakers.  That inspired me to buy kit amps and such from Lafayette and Allied.  Later worked in an electronics store.  Now I have a lot of the g... 
When are speakers considered Hi-Fi and not Mid-Fi???
An early definition of high fidelity may be found on pages 630-632 of the Radiotron Designers Handbook, 4th edition.  Too long to copy/paste here, but e copies of the book are out there.....it's a wonderful resource for those who enjoy tube gear.