

Responses from phusis

Dynamic compression in speakers themselves?
@mtrot -- I guess I should clarify that I’m not looking for high SPL playback. I’m just looking for that big, relaxed, open, uncompressed sound. I want dynamic crescendos in classical music to get my attention, but with a sense of ease, if that ma... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
@kosst_amojan -- Siegfried Linkwitz is the guy out there making foolishness out of all the "narrow dispersion is good" silliness. Maybe it's good in a PA, but not a living room. This crowd here deliberately avoids and ignores anything that disagr... 
Dude, where's my bass? Oh, lost to stiffened rubber surrounds...who knew?
@johnk --... system I am running as I type uses drivers from the 1950s 60s 70s all are orignal all are in spec. They sure dont make it like they use to.Would you expect new, more or less equivalent drivers with the same diaphragm (i.e.: paper) and... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Let’s get down to brass tacks here. Most haven’t really heard horn speakers at all, let alone very good horn speakers. Those that have have heard hybrids mostly, and though hybrid solutions can sound wonderful they are, in their less dedicated ite... 
high-efficiency loudspeakers
@bache This speakers is huge. WAF-is almost zero I’m not aware if you’re referring to any particular of the mentioned speakers, but yeah most of them are not necessarily what you’d call spouse-friendly :) I’d wager though there may be exceptions... 
high-efficiency loudspeakers
@bache What is the best high-efficiancy loudspeakers? If you have it, are you happy ? Don’t know what’s the best out there, or to whom, but some of the better of the crop true high efficiency speakers (>95dB or, as suggested by poster atmasph... 
What are the best loudspeakers under $4000 to re-create lifelike piano
@joeschmoeI can understand why you, or anyone else for that matter could be discouraged reading this thread, but for my part - with my post above - I’m trying to get after what it would take to approach a fairly realistic(!) reproduction of the (g... 
What are the best loudspeakers under $4000 to re-create lifelike piano
@vahes A well recorded, uncompressed, Steinway-D needs a fairly large, efficient, and expen$ive speaker to reproduce its full fire power at a realistic volume ...Indeed, an important aspect here is sheer radiation area coupled with high efficiency... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
@atmasphere ... a plus is they [i.e.: horns] can play a lot louder ...Indeed, and by a wide margin, but importantly it’s also how this ability (not least as a product of much higher sensitivity) translates into a sense of effortlessness not only a... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
@kosst_amojan The old Klipsch stuff is exactly why people have the opinions they do today about horns and I think denying that is simply intellectually dishonest. I hope the intent with my reply above to poster @soundsrealaudio was absolutely cle... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
@soundsrealaudio I like horns, except for the fact that they sound shouty, forward, bright, beamy. The older style wood Klp type speakers sound boarning, slow, heavy and us resolving. I do like them however, I am no hater. That’s classical "gener... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
@unsound Phusis, I respectfully suggest you read the thread I previously hyper-linked.I did read the thread back then with its some 1000 replies or 20 pages, but many of the details herein are amiss in my mind, including whether poster @macrojack... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
@unsound  Phusis, As you can see; some of the more recent posts offer confirmation of what suggested earlier.With all due and sincerest respect I think it best that I exit. Thanks for your reply.Still, I'm sincerely interested in being offered ... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
@unsound In answer to the original question: Perhaps because there are some trolls who seem to try and use these threads as bait to trap those who don"t share their love of horns:https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/why-not-horns?highlight=hor... 
How best to shoe horn speakers into a room
@blindjim I feel too much of what we know of fitting speakers to a given room size comes only from experience, although this logic appears to be somewhat contentious lately. Any so-called "logic" that doesn’t come from experience when fitting spe...