

Responses from phusis

Should I decouple my subs too?
@ronboco --...  I just got off the phone with the REL guy and he said NOT to put footers on the subs as they perform better coupled to the floor. Depending on the stability of your hardwood floor I'd nonetheless go with his advice; couple, not d... 
Speakers The single most critical component
@herman --...   I've had the same speakers for almost 20 years with no desire to change.. everything else has changed and most many times. That's a great looking system. Is that a sub in the background? 
The Intellectual People Podcast - Dutch & Dutch 8c Speakers | Martijn Mensink
The final question is perfectly answered by Martijn, I find. 
Speakers The single most critical component
One could ask: what is it you want to achieve and like in particular with with wideband speakers/drivers? A noteworthy trait is their alluring simplicity sans cross-over of any kind, and another is they're a single point source per channel - with ... 
Nothing is sturdier than a ring radiator
@erik_squires -- I've seen Altec compression drivers blown by 75 watt amps and not overdriven, so not so sure that they are that much sturdier.That example says close to nothing without any further context. What specific driver are we talking abo... 
Nothing is sturdier than a ring radiator
@erik_squires -- Just a reminder that the subject of this thread was reliability. :) As in, exposed to what - time, power, pokey fingers? In these areas regardless nothing beats a compression driver; its diaphragm in concealed inside the whole o... 
Sound quality of Newer versus Older speakers
@alexberger and @roxy54 -- "So when I go to friends or audio show I always hear compression from most of low sensitive speakers. Even big speakers like Wilson Audio. I feel it like a heavy, strained sound reproduction, unnatural, tiresome. Sound p... 
Speakers The single most critical component
@mahgister -- The room is the cake, you must design a room with all the passive and active acoustical controls necessary to help your speakers... I would go so far to say the room is certainly part of the cake as the main dish - in conjunction wit... 
Speakers The single most critical component
@Millercarbon -- When in reality: Imagine the perfect speaker Sounds like an oxymoron to me, certainly the premise it forms:... with the perfect speaker the speaker itself no longer matters. It is the components feeding it the signal that matters.... 
Sound quality of Newer versus Older speakers
@speakermaster -- New speakers do one thing that the old ones will not do, they look real pretty, the old way of making speakers was all about the sound and performance and not the looks.To me a speaker is "pretty" when its looks is a clear refle... 
high sensitivity + low impedance vs. low sensitivity + high impedance
@atmasphere --One thing not mentioned is phase angles. Oh, I did that in a reply to you just recently, in another thread.https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/the-two-most-common-mistakes-are-bass-and-trebleTake out the passive cross-over from ... 
The two most common mistakes are bass and treble
Inefficient and low impedance speakers are IMO/IME a mistake.All amps make more distortion playing into lower impedance. If you want the amp to sound smoother and more detailed, set it up to drive a higher impedance.Inefficient speakers need rea... 
No free lunch
@oldhvymec --So 101 on speaker building for me is know what your talking about..My terminology may not be the as eloquent as the word salad connoisseurs, BUT my personal observation and understanding of "bass distortion" seems to conflict with mos... 
No free lunch
Miller: the "no free lunch" side of things is introduced in the comments section by Mr. Chris Brunhaver of PS Audio, to counter the views of Sean Casey of Zu on his take on (the advantage of) higher sensitivity speakers. Not meant as a comment on ... 
All NEW Klipsch Jubilee Horn Speakers !... Game Changer ?...
What's really noteworthy about the upcoming domestic Jubilee's is their size, not to speak with diminishment of the MF/HF compression driver used (a seemingly modified version of the Celestion Axi2050) and its accompanying tractrix horn that contr...