
Discussions phoenix469 has started

Solid state warm up?1280825
Pick your poison...36322
Conrad Johnson SA250 for 2 channel HT?31400
Speaker/sub for large room36492
Computer output to DAC, which route?8307776
More power or better quality power?1833035
REL subwoofer hum4612218
Question about Azur 640c Version 1 and a DAC35482
New DAC, or new amp?40935
Pre-amp, integrated, new power amp...I'm confused740912
Need a good high-pass Xover for Sonus REL422010
Integrated amp reccomendations2673730
REL sub hook up33767
Subwoofer reccomendations639312
Help me with this choice Paradigm, JM Lab, Sonus750814