Responses from philnyc
No Audiophiles in Hollywood In Hong Kong, they are more into high end audio. The movie "Infernal Affairs" even features an interconnects shootout... | |
Audio Physic Virgo II vs Avanti III I think whether you "upgrade" from the Virgo II to the Avanti III depends on whether you have a listening room that will let the Avantis shine. That is, big enough with space around the speakers to let them do their thing. If so, then I agree that... | |
Balanced usage with Opus 21 Distortion...I don't believe that to be true. I'm sure the Opus 21 uses all 4 DACs (2 per channel) regardless of which outputs you use. Brrgrr...I would guess that it's a function of the Opus 21 being fully balanced in its design. | |
Balanced usage with Opus 21 The balanced outs will definitely give you better performance than the RCAs, although how much you'll notice will depend on how easily you hear changes in your system. It is not a "OMG, it takes it to a whole new level" kind of difference, but a s... | |
Dodson 218 or Weiss Medea DAC for my Esoteric X-01 Matrx,I'll offer a disclaimer up front that I am a Dodson dealer and that I use the DA-218 in my personal system. I'm comfortable responding to your question, because the DA-218 and Medea are pretty different in sound characteristics, so in the en... | |
Are ICEpower amps really that good? Hack, when you listened to the various ICEPower amps, did you try them with improved (eg. thicker gauge) power cords or any power conditioning? In my experience with the ICEPower amps from Bel Canto and NuForce (as well as some home-made amps base... | |
Dodson Audio - Still in Business? Ehoehn,The DAC-263 has actually been "shelved" for a while. Dodson felt strongly about keeping it at the pricepoint, but price increases from some suppliers made this tough... | |
Pick your poison...2-channel or multi? CDWallace,I'm not opposed to multichannel. This thread posed the question that if you had $10,000 to spend, would you choose to spend it on a 2-channel system or a multichannel system. At that price point, I feel that the money would be best spent... | |
Pick your poison...2-channel or multi? If the budgets were the same, I would go 2-channel. A high quality 2-channel system IMHO would be more enjoyable than a not-as-high-quality multi-channel system. Most of the music I listen to isn't available or wasn't recorded in multi-channel, an... | |
Dodson Audio - Still in Business? Here is the news: Dodson Audio is being acquired by Silversmith Audio! Ralph Dodson and Jeff Smith have been longtime friends and colleagues, each being a prominent member of the others' "listening team". After much discussion, both reached the co... | |
Dodson Audio - Still in Business? FYI - the news is still forthcoming, but the press release has not been completed yet...I'll post it as soon as I get it... | |
Dodson Audio - Still in Business? Pardales, there will be a press release. Don't know who exactly will publish it, but I'll post the info here... | |
Olive Opus Jeff Kalt, founder of Resolution Audio and designer of the Opus 21, was heavily involved in the design of the Olive Opus. I've not heard the Olive Opus, but you can probably assume that it is voiced similarly to the Opus 21... | |
Dodson Audio - Still in Business? FYI - there will be some news regarding Dodson Audio on Monday...I think it will be regarded as good news. Stay tuned... | |
Dodson Audio - Still in Business? >>A little frustrating perhaps, but COMPLETELY UNDERSTANDABLE, and APPROPRIATE from a broader life perspective. >>Absolutely. Ralph is a great guy and I wish him and his family well during this difficult time. My frustration only comes... |