Responses from philipwu
Amps which are Great, but either Unknown or Underpriced i hope anyone who contributes in this thread can try to keep in context. people with deep pockets have a different start point when their "value products" are actually our holy grail. try comparing dartzeel amp with FM acoustics.. | |
Clayton Audio - Alive and very well Thanks audiobrian,Yes, indeed i'm using ML speakers now, your comments are also very informative. my concern is whether Clayton amp would suit my genre of music. I don't use it for watching movies, but listening to soundtracks like Lord of the Rin... | |
Clayton Audio - Alive and very well hi audiobrian,with your extensive years of experience with Clayton amp, could you describe its sound charactertics? does it sound clear, no curtain effect, analog, velvet but not syrupy and ideally suited for movie soundtracks, trailer music, full... | |
Amps which are Great, but either Unknown or Underpriced does anyone consider Monarchy amp as well?-phil | |
Amps which are Great, but either Unknown or Underpriced Inna,Yes, YBA was good. Now is being run by Shanling from China. Sound quality DROP! only the Signature still built in France but at rocket pricing. | |
Best upbeat jazz/progressive jazz/new age CD? hello everyone,I need help here. I'm searching for paid music downloads sites that have new age songs from i.e. ENIGMA, ERA, TWO STEPS FROM HELL, DARK FOREST etc.. I usually listen to epic trailer music of soundtracks, usually by Hanz Zimmer, Thom... | |
Best DAC for pcm files hi, with due respect to all A'gon members above, aren't we forgot one important point? we should first analyse what georgelfre music taste preference is i.e forward sounding(in a small club) or relax sound(chamber music?) and the genre of music he... | |
Are class A tube amps similar to class A solid state ... Hello maplegrovemusic,have you received the zeros? hope you can share your experiences with the sound that come out from your ESL using your zeroformers.regards,-phil | |
Zensati Cables hi ,with so much positive responses about High Fidelity magnetic cables, has anyone compare Zensati Cables to HF cables? both seems to convey the same musical presentation when their cables are inserted, and it is not system dependent, it's overal... | |
Choice: ATI 3000 or ODYSSEY STRATOS PLUS ? hi mofimadness, would you able to describe the house sound of Stratos amps in relation to the genre of music you usually listen to? this would lead us a more closer idea of how the sound "feel" like. and in what way is David Belles’ amp sound diff... | |
Tube Amp for Martin Logan Speakers hi everyone,I had actually pose my opinion in another article, but I think this subject here is more suited and I wish senior members would share their valuable knowledge & experiences. We had seen many varieties of impedance coupled with vary... | |
Audio Research and Martin Logan Montis hi everyone,I have an opinion about the above technical aspects which senior fellows here were discussing. I have no electrical background but wish to express something which maybe important and overlooked.We had seen many varieties of impedance c... | |
Anyone auditioned Pass Labs XP-30 preamp? Hi Mkwglyg,If you don't mind me asking, what are the brands of both preamps you are refering to? Thanks-phil | |
does 32 bit make a difference over 24 bit? Douglas,Thanks so much for sharing your experiences and letting me know more about Innamorata amp too. I have ML Spire ESL and unsure about the capabilities of Innamorata to power Spires since their impedence curve should be quite different from K... | |
does 32 bit make a difference over 24 bit? hi Douglas,referring to your thread above, you mentioned "using the 750D in conjunction with the Pathi is one of my favored setups... and the combo is superb" May I know what speakers were you pairing with when using this setup? is it King Sound e... |