
Responses from philip_psha5b7

Someone explain human hearing of subbass......
Mythtrip,I had the same problem with low frequency tonal equalization because I play my system most of the time late at night and less frequently in the day. Instead of knocking off walls and rearranging the furniture, I found a really workable so... 
Audioquest Type 4+ vs Goertz M1 2 vs Clearview
Audioquest CV4 has good, crisp clarity for female vocals & acoustic guitar, but it will not give your desired "fullest lows". What you described requires a fullrange cable. The CV4 is bias to favor the highs. For less than the CV4 price you co... 
Why bi-wiring is bad
Pbb,"...the jumpers or those little plates between the two connections gobble up the whole signal..."For bi-wiring the "jumpers or those little plates" must be removed!!Jumpers are connected in the case of single-wiring. 
Where's My Bass?
Eleonida, you have not mentioned what powercords in your system. But i agree with Mrowlands that powercord has a big influence on low/high frequency extensions especially the one connected to the source gear like cd player or dac. It may be worthw... 
Will your cables live FOREVER?
Too much merit been given to crimped or barewire compression "solderless" type lug joints for speaker cables.In high humidity zones where i live, my bi-wired solid cored, AudioQuest Slate's original crimped lugs lasted only 1 month after unpacking... 
Rules on Review...
Ttrhp, If you like to read what the consumer has to say, check 
transport DAC incompatibility?
Hi Steev - There is an excellent thread in Audiogon/forums/cables, about differences in digital cable & digital technology. You might find some answers there. Good luck! 
pure class A?
This is my understanding of the subject.Live music are complex vibration waves in air, an event which occur in space and time. Real live music can only happen as "pure class A" events in a mechanical sense. The pioneering audio amplifier engineers... 
Martin Logan Aerius i problem
I apologize if i been a little harsh on judging ML Aerius. In balance i must say that the Aerius did sound great as long as the panels are in tiptop condition. A rare and very well designed hybrid system at that.I guess if you don't live in high h... 
Martin Logan Aerius i problem
I used to own a pair of the original Aerius.Fully agree with Rives about rapid panel deterioration due to humidity. I live in Singapore in the tropics where humidity are in the 80~90% most of the day. I had replaced 4 panels in two years. Humidity... 
What Liquid in PAD interconnects?
Sorry, been away for a while.Purist Audio will release the Elementa Rev C this summer, so I don't wish to do any repairs right now. I am assuming the Rev C would be a better sounding cable, or I might find another notch up used Purist Audio. Owner... 
What Liquid in PAD interconnects?
Thanks KP. I'll check further from your lead.Purist Audio Design do provide refills free-of-charge to the original owner, but to others there is a $25 fee. Owner to provide own shipping. I live in Singapore and there is no PAD rep. here.I bought t... 
Advise on 845 Set amp and Speakers to match.
Cowman,You are absolutely correct on all the points you raised. My Cayin SET m'blocs using 845 op tubes are rated at 28wpc and they are very happily matched to the Spica TC60s which I bought used at low cost. I don't know the efficiency of the Spi...