

Discussions phasecorrect has started

Vintage Infinity Polycell Replacement53623
The year is 1986645919
Bee Gees first 3 lps reissued15171
Rembering the 80s: College Rock531441
In wall speakers23552
Vintage Cassettes: Direct Drive, 3 Heads: Sendust1262513
Customize speaker selection15512
Monster Z 1.2 speaker cables....37332
Beatles Tribute Tv special....428228
Revel f12 owners....921817
Infinity Primus 362: 2nd system/Value floorstander21222
Mirage MX speakers for music?22680
Royd Merlins?....anybody familiar?14810
Dissapointed with import LPs.....29138
Any Boston Acoustic sub fans?25213