

Discussions phasecorrect has started

Hi rez: Led Zep and the Beatles24977
Adcom 545 vs. B&K st-14038313
Sleeper subs in the $500 range....26874
Older Player for MOds?19671
MOds to pioneer pd-6528142
New Britpop: South- "Among the Tides"14132
Nordost flatline vs. A-Plus+ Oval1219961
CD shootout:Linn,Pioneer,Marantz,Sony,etc...23161
Best built SOny Cd player pre-SACD?19721
Linn CLassik connections....45613
JEsus and Mary Chain 21 Singles....12382
Infinity 2.6 Intermezzo specs and sound...44205
Best T-rex comp-remastered....9230
Bowie 24 bit remasters....54197
Church AUssie Remasters....14301