

Discussions phasecorrect has started

B&K st 140 evolution....27852
Ls 3/5a sound without the price.....630511
Spendor like sound...mini-monitors.....25592
B&K preamp/tuners.....112986
Preamp/Subwoofer connection question....177776
Dedicated cdps that excel in vertical soundstaging420917
digital FM tuner.....30224
Adcom tuner pre combos/Parasound preamps....23892
Sony's best dedicated cdp before sacd...66209
Coolest looking vintage tuner.....779017
Belles 150a : any competition at 1k level?29862
Passive/Active preamps: pros and cons....1072711
Reviews on Denon dcd 1650....25531
stereophile class b cdps of the past....late 90s53518
2nd system dedicated cdp: $500 Build quality a +538111