

Responses from petieboy12003

High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Thanks Calloway. BTW being in Australia it seems my posts indeed take longer to show up which can interfere with my posting regarding others posts. No matter.Ddraudt`s(appears to be as crazy as myself with system detail haha)last post, which i was... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Also, for those who own them both, if you had to choose between the UR PC`s paired with existing quality conditioner. Or a wave guide conditioner with existing quality PC`s? Sorry maybe a bit of a hard question. Basically which would be advised to... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Anyone here ever compare the Elrod diamond line to the High Fidelity UR power cords?I have been considering retiring my Elrod Gold for maybe a Diamond MB X2 or UR.Anyone? 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Hey guys.Audiolabyrinth, you thought i forgot didn`t you haha.Sorry for the late reply but things have been progressing slowly. The exact model opened baffle high pressure horn speakers(now @ 118db sensitivity) i mentioned to you before were only ... 
Phasured to Life NOS1
If i may - Official release of the new Orelo MkII.Plus of course the Orelino by Bert Doppenberg of BD-designs and PeterSt of Phasure.As far as i know Peter and Bert will be releasing plenty of delicious info regarding these unique beauties on thei... 
Phasured to Life NOS1
Oh i forgot to include in my first post - what about room acoustics? This always effects things including HF to a large degree. In my room it seemed like the main thing effected. Then if we are maybe not hearing HF very well anyway, for one reason... 
Phasured to Life NOS1
Nice NOS1 review here for those interested.http://www.phasure.com/index.php?topic=2892.msg30505#msg30505 
Phasured to Life NOS1
NOS1 and Teo going strong.Firstly, I have been meaning to write a review on NOS1 DAC here on Audiogon for a while but never got around to it.My friend Gary beat me to it here. Well that`s not hard considering i get abducted all the time lolSo I de... 
Phasured to Life NOS1
Thoughts on HF and more ramblingsWe all know some individuals do not hear higher frequencies properly to some degree. Some aware of it some not. Naturally in many of these circumstances one may put extra emphasis or importance on the mid-band freq... 
Phasured to Life NOS1
I guess there`s not much point with me chiming in here lolWe all know what I`m gona say........Anyway, Gary is a very very happy and lucky "phasurite"I know only too well!Nice review Gaz 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Iblieve, there is definitely a range.I think it goes something like this -PDLStandard(STD)Upgraded STDSTD MkIIUpgraded MkIIParaHelios(Reference)Upgraded ReferenceOnline reviews are of the older two lesser models.I am told, in good faith, the curre... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Hi Ddraudt, Nice description there. WGPC seems interesting... as with all Rick`s stuff.Will try to organize WGPC audition one day through my HF dealer with and without CT cabling against my own set-up.Someone I know and trust in audio had a Troy. ... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Wig, agreed. Helps with any cable. Hence why I got a Audiodharma latest spec... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
I agree with the vocabulary points. I use all of those same audiophile terminology's to describe PeterST`s NOS1 USB Dac with XXhighend software and XXcomputer all the way from the Netherlands.http://www.phasure.com/index.php?topic=1744.0No more tu... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Iblieve, I owned the CT-1 and auditioned CT-1E.Have not heard the Ultimate yet.I simply love Teo in my system. As I explained - I am purchasing current updated top model Teo ParaHelios(Reference) which is described to be a large step up from the T...