
Responses from pcolvin

Is Full-size speakers for L-R Rears advisable?
The original surround sound standard does not include a need for FS speakers for anything other than LR.  All other speakers were 200hz and up. This has been carried through for decades now in the cinemas. Bass has always been handled by sub-woofe... 
Shipping speakers from West Coast to East Coast
I shipped speakers across country a couple of years ago through uship https://ship.uship.com/lp/freight/?nis=2 Prices were very reasonable.   
Can anyone identify this equipment?
Interesting amp. Looks very much like a shortwave receiver.   
Recommendations for 20 amp electrical outlets
@8th-note Buy some 20 amp tamper proof Levitons from Home Depot.  They're under $5 each. Then save them for a rainy day once you swap them out.  
Recommendations for 20 amp electrical outlets
I just had my house rewired and installed 2 20-amp outlets for my stereo wall. I used Monosaudio Audiophile Duplex Receptacle 20 Amp 125V Pure Copper Audio Wall Outlets bought on Amazon. These were wired with all 3 wires for each duplex outlet pul... 
Ethernet cables
I changed everything in my house to Phizli cable. Cost is only pennies more than your average cat6 and is available in all sizes on Amazon.  My entire house is now at 10Gbe, both copper, and fiber, and I”ve no problem. I have 32 ports in use, plus... 
Ethernet cables
I agree with @rcm1203. Replace all your Ethernet with cat8 cables from Amazon. They’re all triple shielded and will definitely improve things. And they’re good for 10G. I changed everything in my house to Phizli. Cost is only pennies more than you... 
Effect of Internet Service Quality on Streaming?
@nagel You are right that the problem you had would be caused by a rogue radio, CB, or ham operator (in my day, when the FCC would actually be chasing these guys down they'd operate out of a mobile location (n.e. car/van) to stay ahead of them). ... 
Are your record surfaces as silent as CDs?
Technically, vinyl can only give you about 60db S/N exclusive of the pre-amp (although different vinyls these days provide somewhat better that that), and CDs at least 95db+, so CDs will always be quieter.  A properly designed phono pre will, itse... 
Effect of Internet Service Quality on Streaming?
@nyev If you play an equivalent local file at the same time you have bad internet quality and it’s bad too, then it’s definitely something internal. Whatever’s causing it will be between the source and the receiver. In normal circumstances if you... 
Effect of Internet Service Quality on Streaming?
Occam’s razor time. @nyev you’ve appear to have spent a lot of money and time on everything but a new router and good Ethernet cable. Dump the router from your ISP as they are worthless. Also, change out whatever Ethernet cable you’re using to Ca... 
Effect of Internet Service Quality on Streaming?
@nyev I don’t see anything in recent posts as to whether you’ve gone back to your ISP to have your ONT checked. That’s the converter to change fiber to either coax or RJ45. Fiber itself doesn’t use a modem, Your previous post said that you’re usi... 
Amp — Leave on or turn off
By all means, keep your equipment on 24/7.  Everything will sound better that way..   Remember that recording studios and broadcast stations keep everything they have on 24/7 so they'll aways be able to get the maximum performance from it wheneve... 
Higher-End Class A/B vs. Class A Integrateds
@soix  My response was not AI generated. For reference I used my own knowledge, and refreshed it using items such as Tremaine's Audio Cyclopedia, Wikipedia, and ChatGPT because their all decent research tools.  Other than referencing them (proper... 
Higher-End Class A/B vs. Class A Integrateds
@erik_squires  What's give you the idea that I wasn't refuting your comments regarding Class A crossover distortion?   I even supplied a reference to the Wikipedia page. I don't see any reference information backing your comments.  And how did yo...