
Responses from paullk

Something For The Fuse Guys ...
So just hypotheticaly wouldn't say swaping the fuses with solid copper bypasses net you the best sound? Assuming there is a large gain here, you could then swap different fuses in and out to see which ones affect the sound the least.  
Oppo exploring additional production of UDP 205
Just registered, I've been meaning to pick one up but never got around to it. I currently have a Marantz UD-7007 and  AV-8801, using the digital HDMI into the receiver, I figured the DAC in the AV-8801 was better than the Blu-ray. Previously I use... 
Marantz av7005 vs av8801 vs Theta Casablanca
Just a brief update, I tested the Theta, was only able to do this in 2ch mode due to lack of time and source material. Also I've grown to love my current 9.2 setup and can't image life with 5.1 lol. As described above by Aux, the Theta was very fa... 
Reel to Reel and General Tapes Questions
Russe41, thanks for the reply. I was figuring the Otari would be better then home units, I might sell the Pioneer after I get the Otari up to snuff. How would you rate the sound of the sony vs the Otari? My thoughts on the VCR audio heads were tha... 
Grading phono cartridges Part 2.
So I'm mostly responding so I can look back at this list again but....... Have you compiled data like this for turntables and tone arms too??? 
Marantz av7005 vs av8801 vs Theta Casablanca
I have been using the av8801, replacing the av7005,  for about a month now and I absolutely love it. The built in surround sound modes for a 2 channel signal are night and day better than av7005. Analog music is better also. I have used 2 inexpens... 
Marantz av7005 vs av8801 vs Theta Casablanca
Got ya audiojan, what did you like better about the Av8801?  
Marantz av7005 vs av8801 vs Theta Casablanca
Agreed, I think my money is still better spent on the rest of the speakers. Maybe someday I will be at the Theta level.  
Marantz av7005 vs av8801 vs Theta Casablanca
Just another brief update, the av8801 is really growing on me now that I have the room correction figured out. I think the set of speakers I ordered to use as wides will be here today so I'm excited to see what 9.1 will sound like. I can say that ... 
Marantz av7005 vs av8801 vs Theta Casablanca
Thanks for all the input Aux. I'm going to get some fuses and give them a try after I A, B, C the preamps. Just a brief update on the av8801, I used the on screen Audyssey setup and was able to pinpoint the phase error that way. Looks like when I ... 
Marantz av7005 vs av8801 vs Theta Casablanca
One other thing I would note is between the av7005 and av8801 streaming movies sound much less like an mp3. The av7005 would sound very digital at times.  
Marantz av7005 vs av8801 vs Theta Casablanca
I definitely agree with you on the full sound, I'm just watching Netflix movies right now and I can tell a difference between the av7005 and av8801 in the low frequency content. It just seems smoother than the av7005. I plan to use the av8801 at l... 
Marantz av7005 vs av8801 vs Theta Casablanca
One question along the line with replacing the fuses. Should I plug the amplifiers into my Furman power conditioner? It's the 20a version. Thanks  
Marantz av7005 vs av8801 vs Theta Casablanca
Thanks for all the info aux. I'll definitely try the fuse upgrade for the Emotivas, anything else while I'm in there? I have read about the compromise with the class A A/B mode. I'm OK with these amps for now, there are not as black background as ... 
Marantz av7005 vs av8801 vs Theta Casablanca
Thanks Auxinput. I was unaware of the class A output section in the Marantz, do you know if the av7005 is also class A output?I am planning in the future to use the Emotiva amps for the low end and something tube or class A for the mid/high on the...