Responses from paulietunes
New Custom Turntable Thank you @elrod It does sound really nice. A lot more adjustable than a Rega RB330 arm. | |
New Custom Turntable Thank you @jond That stump is a big chunk of pine and it’s what the previous TT sat on. I’m still trying to figure out the permanent stand. Currently trying out a stand with a sandwich of MDO/rubber/cork/granite but my wife isn’t yet thrilled ... | |
WhestTHREE signature phono pre vs. ModWright PH 9.0X @lalitk Exactly! One of the wonderful things about a forum like this is that another audiophile may recommend a product that is entirely appropriate but not on the OP's radar. That's how we learn! When I was researching phono stages a few month... | |
WhestTHREE signature phono pre vs. ModWright PH 9.0X I think he was looking for some honest feedback about any of the products he mentioned or that fit the sound signature he outlined in his post. @winoguy17 why do you go out of your way to stoke division? | |
WhestTHREE signature phono pre vs. ModWright PH 9.0X I have not demoed the Whest or the MW but I have done a home demo of the Gold Note PH-10. I was looking for pretty much the same sound signature you’re seeking. The GN is a fantastic phono stage, very well built, excellent UI and great detai... | |
Left Channel Out Primaluna Dialogue Premium Just to provide an update.....I received my Primaluna Premium Integrated back last week from Peter at Vu Jade Audio in NJ. Amp is working perfectly and Peter @bigkidz was a pleasure to work with. Feel free to reach out to him for any repairs or ... | |
Left Channel Out Primaluna Dialogue Premium I'm all about any upgrades especially if it's in for service anyways. I really love that amp. | |
Left Channel Out Primaluna Dialogue Premium Haha! As much as I'm looking forward to getting it back, you should enjoy it for a bit! So happy to hear it's in great shape now and thank you so much for your great service, Peter! | |
Left Channel Out Primaluna Dialogue Premium @pangeek thanks for checking in! So I sent the PL to Peter Rippa, aka @bigkidz to Vu Jade Audio in NJ. It was nothing catastrophic. I think it was a bad relay but I’ll wave my HIPPA rights and invite Peter to describe the diagnosis more accurat... | |
Compact Floor-standing Speaker Recommendations under $4k Recently, I was able to buy a pair of used Focal Kanta 1 with the stands for $4k. Great deal, matches great with my REL T5/x, amazing sound and absolutely zero brightness or fatigue. | |
Are Harbeth Super HL5 XD right for me? Congrats and enjoy! They are most definitely a pair of speakers I’d love to have a home demo with sometime in the near future. | |
Left Channel Out Primaluna Dialogue Premium @bigkidz feel free to text or call me @ 508-two-four-three-2956 | |
Left Channel Out Primaluna Dialogue Premium @tablejockey good to know! Hope it's something that's easily and quickly fixed. I'd hate to be without it for an extended period of time. | |
Left Channel Out Primaluna Dialogue Premium @bigkidz sent another | |
Left Channel Out Primaluna Dialogue Premium Meant to say “I don’t think that’s the problem”. |