

Responses from patsuh

Aural Thrill phono stage
we did it!! and it is outstanding product, extremely sweet without details expense,  dinamics are excellent, very well made inside, the external box looks awful and like chinese box 
audio research REF 150
Does anyone have a audioresearch service manual? 
Focal Utopia Scala V2 or Persona (9H/7F)
We had the chance to listen closely, wilsons sabrinas, focals utopia and paradigm persona 9h. The thing is comparing this 3 fine loudspeakers found that paradigm incredible approach pays rewards. The combination of both high and mid freq made in b... 
VPI versus Ultrasonic cleaners
Does anyone knows the power supply ac adapter which uses audiodesk? We lost our and need one urgent 
Paradigm Personas anyone heard them
We heard the paradigm 9h at your show in Ny, even with the bad acoustical room conditions, let me appreciate the wonderful caracteristics of the paradigms, and it is truly right their coherence compete easily with esl loudspeakers, speed too, we d... 
Paradigm Upgrades Please Help
Try to get a decent tube amp integrated with more than 100 watts and get a pr of paradigm signature s2, this are incredible loudspeakers, to dye for 
Best Tonearm Upgrades for Linn LP12
We just bought a linn lp12 majik, cirkus upgrade, hercules mose power supply and a rega rb2000 tonearm, which by the way, still waiting for a appropiate board arm which works with rega tonearm.rega rb2000 is the best tonearm which offers rega. Our... 
Shanyata Hydra 8 vs Transparent Power Iso 14?
Try to get transparent ppmmx 
Looking your responses, does someone knows how to adjust pulley belt, noticed it was a little loose but trying to adjust makes the pulley unstable.Can someone knows a trick to adjust perfectly this one? 
Amplifier for Martin Logan CLX
I do have a pr of martin logan clxs with depth subs running with arc ref150Amplifier,it runs fine with this one but keeping my mind to sell it and get a pr of vtl 450 or bigger. Vtls amplifier runs perfect and you should listen them.They are a sur... 
Lyra Delos or Helicon versus Soundsmith Zephyr
Lyra are a perfect example of moving coils benefits, fast,detailed and expansive soundstage, vpi zephyr specially new one mark II are a match made in heaven for vpi tonearms, they are more musical and as fast as lyra, in a long term soundsmith wil... 
Audio Desk Systeme Record Cleaner
This machine is wonderful!!! It makes so simple to clean properly a record that it's hard to go back to vpi machines or others. My only complaint is that those black rubbers inside which holds and rotates records tends to leaves some rubbers resid... 
Shelter 501 versus Soundsmith Zephr ?
I agree, shelter compliance is too high, zephyr is hard to beat on vpi tonearms 
What's the best HDMI cable that you have tried ?
I think after trying to many cables, the best one is transpsrent premium hdmi cable, this make our projector increase ansi contrast a lot and best image i have ever seen 
Lyra Delos vs Grado Statement Reference low output
i forgot to mention something loudspeakers are martin logan clxs with depth subwoofers