

Responses from paraneer

Newbie looking for amplifier advice
Now, wouldn't It have been cool if you actually experienced a Belles Aria before you dismiss it?May want to read his quote again.  Its up above.OK, how about condescending then about a product I never dismissed.  Nothing sensitive about me Cleeds.... 
Newbie looking for amplifier advice
Belles/Ryan works real well together. Sometimes there is more to music then just numbers. Now, wouldn’t It have been cool if you actually experienced a Belles Aria before you dismiss it?Relax brother and read my post again. You post twice in this ... 
I should have never ....
Here is a link on one of the reviews on the Rouge Cronus Mag II. Nice review but its not red.Sorry, couldn't resist. 
Newbie looking for amplifier advice
Specifically, the Parasound Halo catches my attention but am concerned about DAC longevity and have been hinted that Parasound isn't such a value for money as, say, Emotiva.Hinted by who?I can't think of higher value gear than what Parasound produ... 
Resale value
I buy a piece of gear to address a need in the system and replace what was once the weak link.  So I try to choose carefully.  The last thing I think about is resale value as that would imply I most likely would upgrade to something else down the ... 
Is my Onkyo Receiver toast?
No offense, but your Onkyo receiver was of very low quality and part of a HTIB system.  At what repair shops charge, these mass marketed units are not meant to be repaired but disposed of.  It's a sign of the times.Long lasting quality still exist... 
I should have never ....
Olympicas are over $7500 if you include the gorgeous stands. Of course, I can save money by going the used route but it'll still be way over my original budget.So my question to all of you -- is there anything else that might compete favorably wit... 
Introducing my 2.2 Stereo
I agree with mb1.If you like the way your system sounds then that's all that matters.  It sounds like your looking for reinforcement of your picks when you really shouldn't - you sited no problems or displeasure with the sound.  So enjoy it. 
Confused along the journey--opinions please
I was wondering the same thing as jperry.  You mentioned all your gear and the evolution of your upgrades except for the TT and cartridge. And even though the phono stage is extremely important, its generally chosen based on the cartridge you are ... 
Newbie question-- where to throw my frogskins next?
A system can only be as good as its weakest link.  And for vinyl playback, the weak link would be sending the analog signals through the Marantz AVR's preamp.  And I just don't mean its phono stage either but its preamp section.  Even in so called... 
Phono to Digital In
Another vote for option 3 because you can't put a round peg into a square hole.  Do analog right or don't do it all. 
What drugs do you use to enhance your listening experience?
Posts like these always remind me that some people have way too much time on their hands. 
What do you think of soundbars compared to speakers?
What do I think of soundbars compared to speakers?Not much. 
Moon 110 LP phono pre-amp?? Is this a good valuable or is there better for less??
I have a Moon 110LP and it is the one component I own that amazes me the most with its performance.  Especially for what it costs and I paid full price for mine, $650.  At $325 its a steal!I use mine with a pretty good LOMC, an Ortofon Rondo Blue.... 
Any Rotel love around here? Looking to power my Sonus Faber Olympica 3
However i hope you will agree that it is scary that Marantz put their brand name on the low quality MM7025!!!!If you re-read my post, I said the MM7025 was anemic. Its also part of their AV line of gear made in China and should not be confused wi...