
Responses from papertrail

Are the Beatles the reason why modern music exists
If the Beatles are the reason for "most" modern music, they should be ashamed. I was thinking more along the lines of The 1910 Fruitgum Company. 
Listening at very low volume
I was just getting ready to start a thread on this subjuct. Is there a secret to getting good sound at lower levels ? I do listen sometimes at moderately high volumes, but when I am working and need to concentrate I like having music in the backgr... 
Humidity question - please try to answer...
I have a sprinkler system set up in my listening room:) 
Bettye LaVette-"I got my own hell to raise"
Shameka Copeland is another singer to check out. She has the pipes, which a lot of singers have, but more importantly she has the soul, which so many singers don't have. Great stuff--check her out. 
Queen on American Idol
When I do watch, it's D for me. It's kind of like watching a car wreck and enjoying it. But, to each his own. 
Any John Hartford fans?
Ricky Skaggs, no slouch himself, once said if there was one person no one wanted to follow it was John Hartford. He said he looked out one night and the once full auditorium was only about half full. Hartford had formed a conga line and was circli... 
The song you just cant stop playing???
"About Time" by Steve Winwood...for the 10 days or so this cd has gone from house to car to work and back again. Every song is a gem. Winwood is at peak on the Hammond B3. The guitarist really smokes, and the rhythm section gets into my bones. 
What music do you want to play really loud?
Everything by Stevie Ray Vaughn 
Hallelujah by Lenard Cohen
And as we stray even farther, Leonard Cohen is one the greatest songwriters ever...period. 
Bonnie Raitt and Lyle Lovett
Swampwalker, Apparently Lyle is a real life cowboy hero. He was injured at his ranch when he rushed to save his uncle who had been attacked by an irate bull. 
Best cd player for under $800.00
After the break-in period, I'm crazy about my modded Music Hall. It also reads HDCD. 
Monitors secure on stands
A few rounds of duct tape should do the job:) 
MP3 of Test Tones
See if this is any help. 
What song best sums up the previous year?
Rob, Thanks. I think I thought of that, but I could stand to be corrected. Usually my best ideas were thought of by somebody before me anyway. As the good book says, "there's nothing new under the sun". 
What song best sums up the previous year?
If we all knew half as much as we think we do, we would all be twice as smart as we really are. Present company included. One thing I have learned---the longer I live the less I am sure about what I do know.