
Responses from papafrgog

Whats playing on your system today?
I’m going w Joe Bonamassa Blues of Desparation in about an hour  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Bob Moses - Days Gone ByKaleo - A/BExodus Quartet- Tribute to Mr Cool 
Lowering the noise floor
I ran a separate power supply from the pole to my house for my audio gear. Separate ground copper pipe 8’ down. I use  Transparent power conditioning & Transparent reference power cables. But I think the real difference was getting the power o... 
Why does unplugging/replugging TT leads from tube phono pre-amp reset dead channel?
No advice, only a comment. I’m surprised that when mentioned your TT was an LP12, that everyone didn’t  immediately blame the TT. I have an LP12 and just it’s mention seems to bring out all sorts of haters. It’s gotten comical. Seriously, good luc... 
Newbie here with a cable question
Nice system.  A lot of good advice. I overspent on cables (although I bought used) - Transparent Reference. My suggestion is to go to the cable company or other dealer that will let you try them out first. Different cables do sound different w tub... 
The latest and greatest
Classic old school look with superb build quality and great sound: Tannoy.  I wish I could afford their top end speakers 
Whats playing on your system today?
I’m a big fan of classic rock too. Trower Bolin Montreal Satriani new Bonamassa LP great listen to “Drive”.  If you want to give your system a SQ workout, with some newer tunes listen to Bob Moses “tearing me up” and “no sanctuary” by Marion Herzo... 
Help ! Best MC cartridge for Linn LP12?
I've had people that know analog (and I trust) tell me the 15,000 I have in my LP12 could have been spent with better results.  Like Bart, I have a great digital side and I don't get the same emotion from my vinyl. And I think I should. Hence the ... 
Help ! Best MC cartridge for Linn LP12?
I will for sure. The local Linn also sells Lyra and  AR so I could ask them to set up an LP 12 w a Skala and AR phono pre. Ideally get it Demo'd on my system. What do think about used AR equipment?  Certainly seems to have some availability in the... 
Help ! Best MC cartridge for Linn LP12?
Everyone, the suggestions are excellent. To address some specifically:1. Vibration/ footfall- a HUGE problem I discussed in previous posting. Resolved by ripping out floor under equipment & pouring 12'x 8' x 5 deep concrete slab. Ran separate ... 
Help ! Best MC cartridge for Linn LP12?
Thanks Davey. I felt like mating to the arm was my first step- weight etc. I know dynavector XV 1-T/S supposely work well, as do The Delos, Skala,Etna etc. I was hoping someone could expand that list a little. Koetsu ? AirTight? Clear audio? As I ... 
Help ! Best MC cartridge for Linn LP12?
Thanks. I have considered scrapping the LP12 and moving on. I drank the Linn Kool Aid and I'm still trying to improve it. I hate losing money on the rig. For you other guys, maybe I didn't phrase my question perfectly enough for you. The first thi... 
Acoustic treatment for side glass doors / please, need ideas.
In my listening room I have 8' sliding door on left side, 3' x 6' window directly behind equipment and 4' x 6'8" doors on right. My first approach was the Marigo Window treatment on all. That took a noticeable bite out of the muddiness/bounce I wa... 
When did good gear start getting your attention?
In the mid 60's my uncle had a Mac receiver and tube amp pushing some big Frazier speakers. He had a Garrard TT and I'd take my Beatles & Stones albums over to listen.  I was never the same. I worked all summer to buy an AR TT, and Marantz 227... 
Linn Krystal cartridge
I have one. Bought it about a year ago when I upgraded Project arm to EKOS SE. I previously used an Adikt MM on the Project arm. I have Keel, Radikal, Tramp.  I bought the Krystal after demo on another similarly equipped LP12.  There's no comparis...