

Responses from painter24

Update on good Ethernet switch
I’ve been tossing the idea around for a while of a LHY SW8, but was going to upgrade my streamer first. But with funds not yet available for this, I pushed the button on the LHY. Stupidly, I forgot about the Chinese New Year Celebrations, and ord... 
When you can't unhear !
I've just had a similar experience to OP My "current" DAC is the Cen Grand DSDAC 1.0 Super Clock, which is a fine DAC, absolutely nothing wrong with it but ..... I've had an itch to re-try R2R DACs again. I had the Ares II about 2yrs ago or so b... 
on the cheap
I second audiophile1; the Wiim pro +. My friend installed one in his budget system before Christmas and it sounds absolutely great, especially for the money 👍 No CD storage though (as far as I'm aware)  
Sound and Music
I will admit to falling into the "trap" you've highlighted. After a long hiatus, I re-started my HiFi hobby; with all the new technological and evolutionary developments in gear since I last dabbled (some 25yrs ago), I was like a kid in a sweetsho... 
Here's to the temperate, the gentle, the moderates in audio
Another guy I enjoy is Simon of 13th Note HiFi  
Here's to the temperate, the gentle, the moderates in audio
+1 @hilde45  Nice thread. I enjoy all the YTubers mentioned, for the very reasons you've highlighted. I have my favourites; Tarun, Harvey Lovegrove, Steve Guttenberg, Jay's Iyagi, Thomas &, Stereo (love Thomas's demeanor and delivery, makes m... 
Qobuz Issues?
@mhwilliford  Happy Days! Glad you're all sorted and back in action 👍  
Qobuz Issues?
I was finally able to login to the Qobuz app again, but not through Sense. I had to uninstall Sense, access the Zen Mini via web (my.innos.com) and was able to log in to Qobuz again. I then reinstalled Sense, 30 mins to re-update my Qobuz library ... 
Qobuz Issues?
I still can't login via Sense, the Qobuz app throws an error up when trying to login. I can access my account via www. but nothing else  
Qobuz Issues?
From what I can make out over on Reddit, N.America seems to be fine; it's the UK and Western Europe that's gone down. Oh well, Radio Paradise, here we come 🥳 could be worse  
Qobuz Issues?
@jbuhl thanks for the heads-up re: reddit; at least it's nothing wrong my end👍  
Qobuz Issues?
Yep, lost connection via Innuos Sense, and can't reconnect/log-in 🤔😩  
Upgrade from Innuos Zen Mini Mkiii to Innuos Pulse
@cosmic_charlie Thank you; it really does help. If the jump from the Zen to Pulse was that good, I can't imagine the jump from Zen mini to be any less an improvement. My system is streaming only also, so yep I agree, getting the front end/streame... 
Puritan PSM156
@twinski66 Congratulations 👍 Your findings with the 156 mirror mine. My system is deathly silent with the 156, but it doesn't subdued dynamics at all. I later added the Ground City, but if I'm honest, I can't say there was further improvement. I ... 
InnuOS Sense 2.6.0.
@curiousjim  I did just that; from N130 with PD Creative kit and LPS, to Zen Mini mkiii w/Innuos LPS. Sold the Node and picked up the Zen pre-loved It wasn't a minor improvement to SQ. To my mind, this jump was/is a major one; the law of diminis...