

Responses from ozzy

Eggleston Andra power requirements
I am using Pass Labs x350.5 with my Andra 2. 
Review: Allan Maher Power Enhancer AC filter
Sherod, I have 3 dedicated circuits for my Audio.I have tried the PE's within these 3 circuits every way they could be plugged in. Outside of these 3 circuits they didnt seem to do anything.As I said, some systems benifit from the use of these dev... 
Review: Allan Maher Power Enhancer AC filter
Tvad, I had the first ones, the $75 dollar each ones. I heard the same thing from Allen that no one returns them.I can't believe how they limited the dynamics. I didnt realize it because they were installed for so long. But once I removed them , W... 
Review: Allan Maher Power Enhancer AC filter
Update: I have had the Allen Maher PE's for about a year. During this time , I have replaced the CD player , cables, and added a Preamp. Still there was something missing. The sound quality was not what I thought the components were cable of. I ac... 
Running a fan to cool amplifier any ill effects?
Try to prevent the fans from touching the chassis .The fans could induce a low level vibration and a subsonic that the Amp will carry. Perhaps making your amp work harder. If you can, put the fans on a stand blowing on the Amp. 
Best way to extend a dedicated power line?
Use a Hydra 2 in between power cords. 
Impedance Matching Preamp/Amp Assiance Pls?
I had the Cary SLP 05 for about a week with my Pass Labs X 350.5 Amp using balanced interconnects. Not only was the bass rolled off but the treble was weak.Tvad set me straight on this one considering impedence mismatch.Best advise, try before you... 
Which Sub. Rel B-1 or Fathom F-113
Oneobgyn, Thanks, I am going to send you an email. 
Which Sub. Rel B-1 or Fathom F-113
So why did you have to use the Tube Buffer? I read your link but I still dont see why it is needed. 
AC/DC Black ice
So then why does the "Boss" CD's sound so compressed? 
Which Sub. Rel B-1 or Fathom F-113
Thanks, My Pass Labs Preamp (XP-10) has 2 sets of outputs.So, will that still be a problem? 
Which Sub. Rel B-1 or Fathom F-113
I just ordered a JL Fathom F-113 sub. I own Eggleston Works Andra 2 speakers and Pass Labs Amp and Preamp. I have moved the Andra's out in the room where I get much better sound stage, but the low bass has suffered. I do not like the idea of addin... 
Cerapuc / Cerabase for Wilson Sophia 2
I tried the Cerapucs under my Andra 2 speakers, and did not like the results. 
Old Krell vs new Krell amps...
I did try the FPB 600 when they first came out, I thought the KSA 250 sounded better.The Evo, is that the present Krell ? If it is I heard it connected to Wilson Watt Puppy 8's . I didnt like the sound, the bass seemed dis-jointed to the rest of t... 
Old Krell vs new Krell amps...
I owned and enjoyed the Krell KSA 250 Amp for several years. I finally replaced it with the Pass Labs X350.5. The Pass is much better in all things that matter. The Krell was very good for its time.Both run very hot, the Krell is the winner in thi...