

Responses from ozzy

Morrow Audio Cables Feedback
I own the Morrow MA6 XLR interconnects, SP6 Bi-wire Speaker Cables, and the Dig4 digital cable. They are very good cables, better than most , and I have tried many, many cables.But, for my system, I prefer the MAC cables "Ultra Silver" with the 5N... 
Is a LCD Rear Projection considered Digital Unit ?
Thank you Elizabeth for your comments. I am leaning towards calling it a digital unit. This is because of all the Video digital signals running to it.And sometimes, I watch sports with the sound off while listening to music. 
How many still listen to CD's daily.
Mostly to my modified Squeeze Box Touch. It's just so easy to pick several songs to relax to with having to get up to change disc's. 
Transformers .. Is It Just Me?
I haven't got it yet. So we shall see. Each and every time I have improved my AC to some extent there has been an improvement in audio and video. Beit, dedicated lines , power cords, power conditioners, outlets and / covers, crystals, noise destoy... 
Transformers .. Is It Just Me?
I just bought 3 more used Olympus Isolation transformers.So that will give me 4 total to work with. The Plan is to use one before my Synergistic Powercell and the other 3 after the Powercell thus isolating the digital from the Analog and home thea... 
Transformers .. Is It Just Me?
Well thank you Bombaywalla and Sabai for the help.Sabai, that was the one I bought, I made an offer he could'nt refuse. Ok, another question, does Medical grade mean it was made to tighter tolerances that could translate to better Audio/ Video? 
Transformers .. Is It Just Me?
Sabai, I just bought a Olympus Model 012MD Hosp Grade Isolation Transformer Ultra Low Leakage rated at 11.25 Amps.It states "The leakage current is the lowest 10uA or less for the most stringent applications." Does anyone know what that means ?Nea... 
Transformers .. Is It Just Me?
Sabai, I'm still not sure of the value to look for. I have seen them listed as 1KVA up to 5 KVA and beyond. 
Transformers .. Is It Just Me?
Sabai, Thanks for the info. I'm not sure what Amperage my Powercell draws, but I have everything ( Audio,Video) running through it on a 20 Amp dedicated circuit. My Amps are on seperate dedicated circuits.So, I'm not sure how big of a Isolation un... 
Beware MSS Hifi, avoid Fraud
I dont agree.I bought from Higherfi/USA a so called mint, recently made Cary 306 SACD CD player.Well it wouldnt' eject the disc's. Once I traced the serial number with Cary I found it was at least 5 years old.No remedy from Higherfi/USA, it cost m... 
Transformers .. Is It Just Me?
Sabai, I thought about adding an Isloation Transformer before my SR Powercell, but most that I see are rated 3 Amp.What amperage is the one your using? 
Opinions on Magnepans sales/marketing approach to
I suggest next vacation plan a trip to Boston, enjoy the sites and listen to the 20.7. 
Krell versus Pass Labs
I had a older Krell KSA 250 and loved until it caught on fire.I sent it to Krell for repairs and in the interim, I bought a Pass Labs X350.5 Amp.I ended up selling the repaired Krell.With the Pass Labs X350.5 I tried a Cary SP-O5 Preamp and notice... 
Best recorded rock song ?
Humble Pie 'Smokin' sounds pretty good. The bass on "30 Days in the Hole" is great! I also bought the SHM CD and it is an improvement over the CD but, the CD is still cheap enough to start with. 
pure silver speaker wire
Why not use solid ?