Responses from ozzy
WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips Just ordered a Power chip, $99 bucks! Is the best place on the main circuit breaker? | |
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device? No, I have'nt tried Mono. | |
anyone test drive the Qol yet? I have had mine for quite some time now and still enjoy it. | |
WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips Ok, makes sense. So, you are using some of the chips with the Qol? I had the Transformer and Cap chips on it for a while but I have recently removed them but I don't recall hearimg any hiss. | |
PurePowerAPS Canada concern But, Sksos1 has not actually recieved his unit, has he? And when/if he does, will it work for the long run???I tell you I was seriously considering one of Purepower units but after reading all of the bad news associated with that company I think I... | |
WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips Justubes2, Are you saying you added another Qol unit? | |
WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips Now that my 2 channel system is satisfied and set with the chips, I now have turned to my home theater equipment.My Denon Reciever has 6 fuses. I only have the small capacitor chips left, do you think they can take the place of the fuse chips? The... | |
WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips Ok, I have had plenty of time playing with these chips in various configurations and now I am able to conclude that;1. The fuse chips were a positive on every component that they were placed.2. Chips at the circuit breaker are a plus. I use a cabl... | |
Media Server Confusion However, the Oppo does not support Apple Losslss. | |
Purepower 2000+ and 3000+ actual availability??? Just be aware of all of the negative postings about poor repair service and communications. | |
Power cable for Pass Labs 250.5 I'm using a HiDiamond 3 Power cord with my Pass Labs equipment and it falls within your price range new. | |
WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips Well this weekend I may try removing them from my Analog equipment to see what changes.It's odd though, initially they sounded great everywhere they were placed, but now that I have removed some the sound sounds better without them. | |
WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips Flashunlock, I've spent way more $$$ than you. At this point, I have removed all of the cable chips from my system. I think they are just too overwelming on my cables. But, I do think a cable chip on the main breaker is a plus along with fuse chip... | |
WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips Lacee, yes the fuse chips are the real thing and would probably improve upon any fuse type. As I have posted earlier, I have a full complement of the different types of chips. I am now in the process of removing all of the cable chips from my HIDi... | |
The Problem with Synergistic Research Fplanner2000, I just purchased a couple of the Audience AR2P-TO units for my dedicated lines. These units have both surge protection and provide excellent power conditioning. |