

Responses from ozzy

PS Audio Direct Stream
My Direct Stream has been shipped! Should get it sometime next week. 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
I'm interested as to how the PS DirectStream stacks up. 
Does AC Power Cord to Linear Power Supply matter?
I purchased a Linear power supply for my DSPeaker unit that works with my Fathom F-113 subs. A quality power cord did provide better performance. 
How Much Does Your Favorite Band Cost?
Bieber would have to pay me a million to listen. 
PS Audio Direct Stream
Mattnshilp, Thank you for your posting. I look forward to your comparisons of those Dacs with the Direct Stream. Is the Lampizator more expensive than the PS Direct Stream? 
PS Audio Direct Stream
Any updates on reviews or comparisons? 
You know you're an audiophile if--
Yeah, and she says that when I die all of my equipment will be out on the street! I'll show her, and out live her... 
You know you're an audiophile if--
I know new purchases are a problem. My wife often says, "I thought you were done buying all that."I don't know what ever gave her that idea. It must be a wife's thing. As long as I can hear and access the music, I'll never be done... 
PS Audio Direct Stream
Mattnshilp, Your review with those Dacs would be great!Drubin. Check out PS Audio Website. A new owner of the DS has compared the DS to Meitner, and the Auralic Vega. He sold them and kept the DS!There is also to be an upcoming review of the PS Au... 
PS Audio Direct Stream
Erikminer, Yes thanks for the link. 
Beware of dealing with PurePower Partners Inc
This is a never ending story from this company. I suspect they are using parts of your unit to fix others and so on.Good luck! 
PS Audio Direct Stream
Thanks, Charles1dad, French fries, Hgeifman, and Bsme85,for your comments. I am not shy of returning things that don't impress. After all, I have been banned from Audio Advisor.It is good to know that PS Audio stands behind there products. I guess... 
PS Audio Direct Stream
Hifial,After reading the many PS Audio claims and accolades on this product, I don't recall they ever stated that it would take many hours of burn in to sound better than their previous product. The impression I got was that, as soon as the unit w... 
PS Audio Direct Stream
Hifial, Thank you for your information.You said you sold your PWMKII because there was better sounding Dac's but I have seen others posting that the PW MK11 sounds better than the new Direct stream.I look forward to your continuing comments. 
PS Audio Direct Stream
Goose, Thank you, for your thoughts and opinion.The original hype from PS Audio was that, "it is a game changer"! I was under the impression that as soon as it was turned on the improved sound quality would be unmistakable.