Responses from ozzy
Does such a speaker exist? I'm using the Eggleston Andra 2. They can be had on the used market for around $10K. | |
Essence Electrostatic Speakers...A Bold Statement The dimensions stated (70" x 11")doesn't look in proportion to the image. | |
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC I really like the Yale Final. I also have 2 Regens attached to it and they are powered by a linear power supply.I have never had a chance to listen to the Bricasti M1.But, PS Audio offers such fantastic upgrades and at no charge, it would be hard ... | |
What is your favorite 1 hit wonder from the 70's? Gimme Gimme Good Lovin' by the Crazy Elephant. | |
DIY extension cord- Help You would be better off buying a quality after market Power cord with a IEC to AC adapter.If there are cost concerns, that would lead to perhaps one of the Pangea Power cords. Audio Advisor sells them and I believe you can also buy the adapter as ... | |
What is your favorite 1 hit wonder from the 70's? "Black Betty" by Ram Jam | |
Best Rock Album of 2015 Pitiful | |
Jitterbugs from Audioquest and the Regen Agriculturist, Thanks! I will try it. | |
Jitterbugs from Audioquest and the Regen Rhanson739, Thanks for your very informative post. | |
Jitterbugs from Audioquest and the Regen Wow! Coli, that's some response. The Direct Stream is the best performing Dac I have tried, especially with the latest Yale upgrade.Why don't you list your system? | |
Jitterbugs from Audioquest and the Regen Beware of trying out the Schiit Wyrd. There 15 day money back guarantee resulted in a cost of almost 50% to return it. I only had it for 4 days. This is due to the cost of shipping both ways and there "restocking fee".No wonder they picked that name. | |
Jitterbugs from Audioquest and the Regen Just an update.I had the iFi Purifier and the iFi USB power supply. I found that they did not work well with the Regen.To me the Regen is the best overall improvement for Audio. Adding another Regen adds another layer of depth. And then adding the... | |
Jitterbugs from Audioquest and the Regen Here is my conclusion with the Schiit Wyrd, Regen, and the Jitterbugs in my system. First off, I tried every single configurations with these units. The 2 Regens plugged together using the hard USB connection and the 2 Jitterbugs plugged into my ... | |
Different Power Cords in same system - ok or bad? I think if all your equipment is from the same manufacturer and vintage then using all of the same cabling throughout is probably a good. But once, that changes each component probably will react differently with different cables. At least that ha... | |
Excellent reference power cord made in Russia I just reviewed the item on Ebay. It seems rather risky to buy something that expensive. Plus add the $50 shipping and it will take over a month to receive it. Because there is no explanation as to what the cord is actually made of. Wire Gauge? Wh... |