Responses from ozzy
Tekton Double Impacts grannyring,Eric never replied to me. The girl that I spoke to on the phone finally emailed me about the external crossover possibility with a simple no. No response about the 8 ohm version. jayctoy, It looks like it will never happen, but thank yo... | |
Tekton Double Impacts Thanks Al,Actually these days I am only using the DEQX for subwoofer duties. But your point about moving the speakers around is important. I am also no longer using the Zero's. ozzy | |
Tekton Double Impacts Thank you so much for the posts and understanding. I could get friends to help me move the heavy speakers but my friends are older than me! It would make a good You Tube video I guess though.I am going to pass on these speakers for the following r... | |
Tekton Double Impacts jayctoy, Ipretiring, agronatz,One of my main concerns about buying and or then sending back for a refund is the size and weight of the speakers. I’m getting older now and carting 100lb+ each speakers up and down a flight of stairs would not be eas... | |
Tekton Double Impacts charles1dad, Thanks for your input. ozzy | |
Tekton Double Impacts mac48025,Its nice that you could actually talk to Eric. He mentioned, but did not provide any real data to that affect.Charles1dad, As I review the few reviews from (Audio Video Review?) and on the Tekton web site there are no specifications state... | |
Magnepan 20.7's & Tube Amp BTW, I have a pair of Zero's for sale on the gon right now.ozzy | |
Tekton Double Impacts david_ten, Are you using the M-60's with the Tekton speakers? I'm sure Ralph would agree that without a demo using the M-60's or a stated impedance curve it would be impossible to really know how they would play together. I think that is why Eric ... | |
Tekton Double Impacts To be fair after my 3rd email and 2nd phone call the young lady (I forget her name) did send an email that sort of answered questions 2, 3, and 5. The balance she stated had to be answered by Eric and that he would call me. ozzy | |
Tekton Double Impacts Charles1dad, teajay,Here are my questions that I sent to Tekton.I own Atma-Shere M-60 mono block amps. They are 60 watt class A but are said to perform there best with an 8 ohm load that does not have deep impedance dips.1. I see you have an 8 ohm... | |
Tekton Double Impacts It is now about 3 weeks, 3 emails, 2 phone calls and I have not been able to make contact with Eric either via email or phone he is always too busy. The girl who answers the phone is polite but is unable to answer my questions. However, she would ... | |
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord? Klhoo7, Do you work for Mark? ozzy | |
Best PLace To Buy Chinese Tubes? Best Place to buy Chinese Tubes...In China? No seriously, I have used EBay.ozzy | |
Whats playing on your system today? Savoy Brown "Witchy Feelin' "ozzy | |
Favorite Female vocals that give you goose bumps My current discovery is Dani Wilde.ozzy |