Responses from ozzy
My JL Audio sub is dead. What exactly happened? netforceatg,Yes, I would like to know too. ozzy | |
Best Footers for DAC? stuartk,I really like the Stillpoints Ultra SS under my PS Direct Stream Dac. It is rare to find them used at a good price. So people must like them and keep them. Perhaps it was the equipment that you used them with. Make sure the cones are facin... | |
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord? As I said on the other similar thread. I have not received any info about the Deep Core. Still waiting to see if it will happen... ozzy | |
NEW Cerious Technologies Upgrade - Graphene Matrix Cables plrules1962, Yeah, I know what you mean. They do cost more than the CT’s. But, to me, well worth it. And, you can get full trade in price for your CT cables.Heck, I paid $149 each for the SR Blue Fuses... This upgrade is way more substantial.BTW, ... | |
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz I also thought that my system sounded better with the MC-05’s after removing the P-10. Too bad, nice looking unit.I now have the Core Power Tech 300 & 1800 balanced transformers plugged into my 3 dedicated lines.And I also have 16 MC-05’s plug... | |
Shelby Lynn & Allison Moorer / Not Dark Yet tooblue, I listened a little to the Amazon samples. Is there a backing band with a bass, drums, etc. or is it just acoustic guitars strumming?ozzy | |
NEW Cerious Technologies Upgrade - Graphene Matrix Cables Lancelock, Nice review. What I may add is...This cable (Cerious Matrix with XLR’s) is certainly full bodied, not dark but very "organic" sounding, and in no way fuzzy sounding. With great mids and treble, it's all good. It sounds like 3D for audio... | |
Best way to decrease the internal volume of a sealed speaker? I just installed the Trex 2x4's.I installed (2) of them 18" long on each long side placed in the middle of the cabinet.I figure with that wood my cabinets math out to be .62 cu feet. I already can tell the difference with tighter and deeper bass. ... | |
Best way to decrease the internal volume of a sealed speaker? Well I've changed my mind about the Styrofoam. It looks like I can install some 2x4's pieces inside. I have some 2x4 material made out of Trex that seems to be quite dense an much heavier than a regular 2x4. ozzy | |
Tekton Double Impacts Thanks guys for the demo info with the M-60's I wish I could have attended. For now, I'm going to pass on the DI. ozzy | |
Best way to decrease the internal volume of a sealed speaker? toddverrone, cliffkhz, theaudiotweak,Thank you for the help and the posts. The woofer I will be using will be located very close to the bottom of the cabinet. Because of this it will be near impossible to place wood at the bottom of the cabinet. T... | |
Best way to decrease the internal volume of a sealed speaker? theaudiotweak, Thanks. First I’m going to try the Styrofoam. I have a piece that should work out fine cubic inches wise (177.42). I will be gluing this underneath of the inside top. I just hope it doesn’t come loose or rattle. Shadorne, Too much h... | |
Best way to decrease the internal volume of a sealed speaker? asvjerry, Thank you so much for your information. I am now leaning towards the higher volume 0.65 internals. This means I only need to reduce the inside by 173.I guess the only issue I have with using 4x4’s is that they would probably need to be j... | |
Best way to decrease the internal volume of a sealed speaker? geoffkait,So, what is the negative of having a slightly larger internal volume than optimum size? Lack of bass definition? Low efficiency?theaudiotweak, Can you provide a source to obtain the Cascade V? I see something called Cascade listed at Pa... | |
Best way to decrease the internal volume of a sealed speaker? So using the Styrofoam... Please correct me if my math is incorrect or if I am on the wrong track.First my assumptions. 1 cu foot is equal to 1728 inches. My present speaker cabinet is 0.75 cu feet or 1296 inches.The woofers I am getting are said ... |