

Responses from ozzy

I have had the ADD Powr Wizard in my system for a couple of weeks and I'm impressed
That's great to hear.Enjoy!ozzy 
Garth Powell on Why Audioquest does not make AC Regenerators
tablejockey,Yes, that is the best way, however, this is difficult to do. This is why experience from actual users of both pieces is important.ozzy 
Garth Powell on Why Audioquest does not make AC Regenerators
All I can add is I owned a PS- P10 regenerator and sold it once I tried the Audioquest Niagara 7000.The Niagara provides way more dynamics, especially when powering amps.The PS cleans up the AC but is anemic compared to the Niagara.Garth knows wha... 
Contact -enhancer, fuses - NOS 1260 High fidelity audio cables
facten,I have used Nano liquid and it works well, but this enhancer is better than that.millercarbon,Thanks for you offer but I will probably use the unused portion on something valuable, once I think of it.ozzy 
Contact -enhancer, fuses - NOS 1260 High fidelity audio cables
Posted on the other thread. "Pauly, I don’t doubt that contact enhancers like NPS-1260 can and do work, but I do wish they’d tone down the marketing baloney.There is no "nanotechnology" at work here. They developed (or more than likely, "borrowed"... 
NPS-1260 Connection fluid
There seems to be 2 competing threads on this subject.I have posted my reply on the other.ozzy 
I have had the ADD Powr Wizard in my system for a couple of weeks and I'm impressed
bemused,I have mine placed near the audio equipment about 3 feet off the floor. It's plugged into the same wall duplex that my Audioquest Niagara 7000 is plugged in.Please try it nearer to your equipment before you settle at the breaker box.ozzy 
What’s a mistake you made by being impulsive?
The Bob Carver Amazing Line Source Speakers. I own the Bob Carver 350 mono blocks and they are great! So what better than to buy speakers made by the same company/man?Wrong! Very disappointed in the speakers. They took way too much power to run an... 
Outlaw 7000x 7 Channel amp
Very good point. I better do that now.ozzy 
Outlaw 7000x 7 Channel amp
I hope the Outlaw sounds at least as good as my old Denon 5803. After about 20 years of my usage (I bought it used), it always sounded pretty good and I’m sorry to see it go. But, I can’t see spending money on trying to get it repaired.ozzy 
Lack of Female Representation
I hear ya. After all these years and $$$ my wife still says, "when are you gonna be done with all of this? It always sounds the same..."sigh...ozzy 
Contact -enhancer, fuses - NOS 1260 High fidelity audio cables
First impression: there does seem to be a better more relaxed sound. And yet, there is a better (refined) upper frequency with better articulation. Not hearing anything negative with my first few applications, actually it sounded pretty good. Bas... 
Outlaw 7000x 7 Channel amp
Thanks for the replies. I will only be using it for movie watching. I went ahead an ordered it, hopefully I will get it next week. I think it weighs 65 lbs. There is a 30 day return policy, but shipping is high, $76 dollars one way. ozzy 
Contact -enhancer, fuses - NOS 1260 High fidelity audio cables
antigrung2,Thank you for your suggestion. I can move the amps back perhaps a foot more. Can’t move the speakers forward however.68pete,Does the time for the substance to "breakin" based on just time or does music need to be playing?ozzy 
Contact -enhancer, fuses - NOS 1260 High fidelity audio cables
So, I received and just applied some of the enhancer to my speaker spades, XLR interconnects only at the end points. So far, I don't hear the great suck out I was expecting, sounds quite good actually. So we shall see how it progresses.ozzy