Responses from ozzy
聖HIJIRI Users thread Yeah, I had on trial from a dealer the newer version Shunyata Sigma V2 power cord, I thought it was a little subdued compared to my AudioQuest Dragon or the Synergistic Galileo SX power cords. However, I did like the Shunyata Sigma V2 interconnec... | |
Whats playing on your system today? boxer12. I’m so old that my actual first album was Sonny & Cher. Remember, I got you babe? ozzy | |
聖HIJIRI Users thread I have stated my beliefs and concerns. Each of us can decide on our own path. ozzy | |
聖HIJIRI Users thread Well, that’s a good comment. I appreciate it. But I disagree, IMHO the buyer has the most to risk when it comes to securing a refund once the transaction has been completed. Again though, before the Pandemic there were demo units available. ozzy | |
聖HIJIRI Users thread lalitk, Now don't get nasty. It is just business. Most dealers understand and appreciate it. Question though: If you received a refund, then why are praising the product? ozzy | |
聖HIJIRI Users thread Lalitk, Perhaps you are not at the level of being an Audiophile like me. Once I decide on an item that I may be interested in, I seek out potential dealers. You can do that without my assistance. The first few questions I always ask is how much,... | |
聖HIJIRI Users thread Surely you are not calling me a liar. Perhaps it’s my charm... If you read my posts properly, I did state that some dealers will take the CC info for security but not actually charge it until you decide. If you are really interested and not just ... | |
聖HIJIRI Users thread grannyring, Surprisingly many big-time dealers representing major and sometimes minor manufactures will or did. Perhaps now with the pandemic stock is low which would prohibit trials. ozzy | |
聖HIJIRI Users thread grannyring, laltik, The difference is that the power cord that I would like to try is > $5000. A lot more than a cost of a fuse! And I have had many instances of difficulty trying to get my money back after so called trial periods. I even had ... | |
聖HIJIRI Users thread Someone mentioned experiences. Just for reference purposes I was an Allied Radio Shack Manager at age 19. Previous to that I built many Heathkits. Anyone remember them? This hobby has always been in my blood, and I love it. My actual experience ... | |
聖HIJIRI Users thread lalitk, I have had dealers in the past who guaranteed refunds if not satisfied renege on that. Only after getting the CC company involvement along with proof of return was I able to recoup the cost. I don’t know Collin and he doesn’t know me. I ... | |
聖HIJIRI Users thread Grannyring. The cost of the power cord was greater than$5000. Many dealers do have demos. I don’t mind taking my credit info for security but to try and obtain a refund later is just too risky. Btw it is in stock Ozzy | |
Whats playing on your system today? Some old Guess Who. Remember "American Woman"? ozzy | |
聖HIJIRI Users thread Well, I tried to get a power cord to compare to my SR X Galileo, AudioQuest Dragon and my Zavfino Dart that I could have shared on this forum. But the requirement was to pay first, no demos. I guess dealers can get ripped off, but it is disappoint... | |
Quantum Science Audio Thread I have 2 reds. One in my Lumin X1 and one in my JL CR-1 crossover. ozzy |