
Responses from ozy

Review: Running Springs Audo Jaco AC filter
great review ,teajay, i could n't agree more with your findings. 
Pranawire Deva vs. Kubala-Sosna Emotion
i have comapred the ks emotion model to the prana cosmos, not the deva , and there was very little contest... the pranas are alot more open , creat a "live " feel to the sound ,and bring the listener about 4 rows closer to the stage... and that is... 
Can David beat Goliath ?
i had used the siltech compass lake between dac and preamp, and switched to the indra, which is not cheap ,but cheaper and better then the siltech. 
if your speakers are on the lean side ,the prana wire cosmos will be a great match ,imho, as they offer full body richness ,musical nuances galore and great resolution ,top to bottom. as the esteemed ,calloway , mentioned ,i have also auditioned s... 
Anybody use Running Springs Audio Conditioners?
i'll second ken's findings.... i tried the "jacko" a couple of weeks ago , on a whim , and never looked back. the sound just opened up, with even greater details and resulotion then i had before. incidently , my faroudja plasma's settings needed t... 
Prana Deva vs. Nordost Valhalla
kmiller, i tried several of the promenent cable makers out there, and have used the siltechs g6 top- of -the-line for about 3 years ,before i switched most of my cables to the prana cosmos speaker cables and i/c, and smahdis power cords.( i also u... 
mbl amp stands--
thank you ,rubinken . i'll check them out. 
Beautiful Equipment Stands?
pagode's master refernce. without a doubt ,one of the prettiest out there. 
jm lab grand utopia be--- any thoughts ?
stevecham--- the 2 speakers that you had mentioned as "surpassing", the jm lab ,are ,with all due respect ,not even in the neighborhood of the jm lab , and i am refering to the utopia be line. you are really making very general statements ,that ca... 
jm lab grand utopia be--- any thoughts ?
rgs 92-- i appreciate your candid comaprison between the novas and the grands. the novas do have some tendency to bloat the bass. hence the search.... :-)stevecham-- well, what can i say-- we all have our tastes in what musical timber should sound... 
Good Amp for JM Labs Utopia Speakers
i use the hlacro amps with my nova be... great synergy. also used mac 500s, and the krell 750cxs, with great results. the halcro combo is my favorite of the 3 mentioned. 
Best Isolation HRS? SRA? Zoethecus? Symposium?
i'll defenitly second the finite elemente suggestion... i have 3 of the master reference racks , and incorporating their proprietory footers(cerabases/caerapucks and ceraballs). didn't care much ,tough, for their amp stands. using 2 mapleshade blo... 
dcs owners--
that's also what the polish distributor of dcs mentioned .. that the 6 is a very good fit with the dcs... thanks alot for your input. 
dcs owners--
elberoth2--- thanks again for your input... could you ask your dcs friend ,what power conditioners he is using with dcs , or what has he tried and found to work well ? some recommend the hydras ,but when i tried the origianl hydra few years ago , ... 
dcs owners--
elberoth2-- you are the second or third who said the n/v cords are greaton the dcs gear..... i guess i'll have to try them , eventhough i'm not a valhala(i/c&s/c) fan...