
Responses from ozy

TAD Reference loudspeakers-How good are they?
i heard the tad 1s when they were introduced at ces ,in 2004 or so. they were only a beta type , with more design time and resources to spend on the design. these speakers were incredible ,but not a finished, complete product.i've been following t... 
Tidal Speakers owners
elviukai---- the room that i attended and refered to had the boulder amps preamp , emm's new cd player and the jm lab/ focal maestro speakers. it was on the 36 or 37th floor of the venetian, if my memory serves me correctly. 
Tidal Speakers owners
kw13-- the jm lab scalas were one of the best sounds of 2010 ces. paired with boulder amps and pre, they sounded glorious, only second, though to the tidal contrivas......at least to my ears. either way, you can't go wrong with either one, budget... 
Tidal Sunray vs Gryphon Trident
murat--- i can assure you that my sunrays reach the lowest of octaves when pushed, and/or when it is on the material played. mind you, my room is quite large(~525sqft), and i certailny feel the visceral impact of bass, acoustic or electrical, kick... 
The Hub: News, events, gossip - Sound by Singer to close
the bad news-- a landmark, qustionable as it might be, is gone from our audio hobby landscape... sign of things to come? the good news-- sbs is finally gone! oof, that was along time coming....sign of things to come? 
Gryphon Colosseum- How good?
jzach-- 2 years ago i got the colleseum monos, paired with the mirage preamp. as both ron and larry alluded so elloquently,the mirage preamp is in a diferent level of performance and should be mated with the colleseum amps, either the stereo or th... 
Echole vs Argento vs Kubala-Sosna?
murat--from what i heard so far , the g7 is a pinnacle in audio cables. i had siltech's g1,3,5 in variuos models and then moved on to other cable makers( transparent, synergisitc research, purist audio, stealth, pranawire, kimber), only to return ... 
Echole vs Argento vs Kubala-Sosna?
murat--- when i switched my digital cables from s/r to the g7 siltech golden eagle and golden ridge , it was as if smoeone polished my "sound window" and now i could hear so much more clearly into the soundstage, both width and depth -wise. have n... 
Echole vs Argento vs Kubala-Sosna?
murat-- if you can audition any of the g7 royal line by siltech,in your system for a couple of weeks, you just might find what you are looking for....... please make sure that the siltech cables you might audition are very much broken in... otherw... 
Echole vs Argento vs Kubala-Sosna?
have heard a very nice system a few weeks back all wired with argento flow, and flw mr... although the overall sound was very good, i couldn't help "picking out " the cables out of the system, as they their"signature" sound was very evident. i exp... 
Tidal speakers... particulary Tidal Sunray
just added the tidal lpx active crossover... it is set @50hz and i'm getting an even better(as expected), faster and punchier bass now. the unit is built like a tank, and its fit and finish are in the same vein as the rest of the tidal product lin... 
Amplifier Experience Gryphon Pass Lamm BAT
hamburgcity--- not sure if you had already purchased you choice amps /preamp , but allow me to chip in-- i had the bat 600s and the rex preamp, heard the krell evo combo, and own, very happily i might add ,the gryphon colleseium /mirage combo. the... 
Tidal Speakers owners
082288-- it's my understanding ,that the previous import prices in the usa were skewed and not in par with the rest of the world's. the current usa price list(which is available from tidal-audio.de) is more in line with the rest of the tidal impor... 
Tidal Speakers owners
rtn1 &murat--- the T-1 sub towers are only availble as part of tidal's T-1 flagship set up which includes the sunrays, t-1 towers ,silver crossover and capacitors, and the lpx active cross over. higherfi's numbers are outdated. the T-1 system... 
Tidal Speakers owners
kw13--- i have not had a chance to hear any of the tidal speakers prior to getting my sunrays. i bought them ""blindly", on faith, if you will. i later learned that out of the 23-25 sunrays out there , most owners bought them without ever listenin...