
Responses from oxia

Unintended lyrics
"The smell of that chick just put my spine out of place." -- from David Bowie's Suffragette City. Years later I finally learned that the line is actually "This mellow thighed chick just put my spine out of place." 
Review: Behringer DEQ2496 Equalizer
Eldarford, I noticed that the Behringer DEQ2496 has a digital output on the back. Do you know if this allows it to feed a room-corrected signal to an outboad DAC? It would be great if the DEQ2496 allowed you to use it purely for digital equalizati... 
Any opinions on the eAR digital "Ice amp"
The eAR 202 and 501 are lower cost alternatives to the eAR One and Two. The main reason they are less expensive is that they use ICEPower ASP-series modules, which contain an integrated switching power supply, unlike the A-series ICEPower modules ... 
Any opinions on the eAR digital "Ice amp"
I have the eAR Two (2-channel) amp, and I concur with Daniel and Ramy. If you can forgive some of its ergonomic quirks (like the connector "cave"), then you'll discover that it is an excellent sounding amp. Peter has since re-designed the connecto... 
Pass X350.5 vs Rowland 302
Regarding the Rowland 302's power supply, if my memory is correct, I can recall seeing a picture of its innards and there was a beefy torroid along with ICEPower 500A modules. However, it is a power supply with a difference: Rowland uses power fac... 
Review: H2o Audio Signature Monoblocks
Muralman, FYI, my post was meant to address the concern expressed by Loudandclear. To me, the issue isn't whether a person has "sense" or not. It's simply a matter of accepting the fact that accidents do happen, and it's up to the buyer to decide ... 
Old Digital vs New digital.
The old Meitner designs were special, and still hold their own today. I don't know about the Bitsteam DAC, but the IDAT series used a novel digital filter algorithm that automatically calibrated itself and would apply a normal SINC filter for opti... 
Review: H2o Audio Signature Monoblocks
To be fair, the 6moons review of the Acoustic Reality amp reported that the reviewer caused the short circuit after he had opened the amp and accidentally severed a wire. I don't know of many amps that would invite such damage to its internal wiri... 
Crackling sound when using a DAC
Hmmm. So to summarize, these are the two scenarios:A)-The DAC is configured to use the coaxial digital input-You then put in a CD-The CD player reads the TOC and outputs a signal-The DAC recognizes the signal; CLock engages-You get a sharp "crackl... 
How can unplugging a turntable improve digital?
Yes, Tbg. From your final sentence ("I have found means to plug the table into another independent outlet"), I take it that you have found an effective workaround? 
Crackling sound when using a DAC
pbawcutt, Do you mean that the crackle doesn't happen when the DAC's optical digital input is used ("I have avoided this problem by switching the Museatex to optic settings, then switching back to Wire")? This sounds odd, because the phenomenon th... 
Analysis Audio Speakers
Ah, yes. Thanks Rx8man. I Googled what you gave me and found it:http://www.analysisaudio.com/I had originally tried searching for "Analysis" + "Audio" + "speakers" and came up with bupkis. Google can be a great tool, but it sucks when companies us... 
How can unplugging a turntable improve digital?
Perhaps your turntable has a "dirty" power supply and you are experiencing a ground loop with the TT plugged in? If that's the case then the loop would be broken once you unplug the offending component from the AC mains, which would at least be co... 
Crackling sound when using a DAC
I also have a Museatex DAC and have the same experience, albiet mine happens more occasionally. I asked John Wright about the noise and he explained that the initial click you hear when the "CLock" indicator illuminates is caused by the DAC recogn... 
Analysis Audio Speakers
Is there a website for Analysis Audio? Thx.