

Responses from owl

emmlabs wilson owners interconnect advice
BTW, KarmaPolice - what is the amp? Also assume you're running direct from DCC2 into them? 
Conrad Johnson Lp 140 monoblocs review.
Downunder, LOL, I'd look elsewhere in your system, NOT the ACT2, which to me is a stunning, beautiful masterpiece that threads the needle of musicality and resolution like no other preamp I've heard,period, and I've heard or owned almost all of 'e... 
emmlabs wilson owners interconnect advice
Tried a lot of wire including the ones you mentioned in a number of EMM Lamm Wilson systems, and the short list for me was Purist Dominus and Venustas, PranaWire and Siltech's stuff. I'd go to the cable company and other dealers to see if you can ... 
WAF Tricks to Display Exotic Audio
Tall artifical plants behind the speakers to soften the angles then 3-4 small fernlike floorstanders around 12 inches in height all over the floor to hide the speaker cables. Also, drilling holes in your floor to run cables is neat if you can mana... 
Newbie wants tube recommendations
Agree with some of the responses esp restock's comments. When i had my classics for a time I used Jolida 801 and it was wonderful, beautiful sounding. Lush and excellent tonality. A truly excellent system for not a whole lot of money but was alway... 
Newbie wants tube recommendations
I think he means Rogue. Also, I had those same speakers and they were MAGIC with ARC VT-100's (series 1) 
I also heard the 2 briefly but in my own system. In the brief and by no means exhaustive comparison the EMM seemed to have very detailed, rich harmonics and texturing with particular edge given to the highs and transparency in comparison to the DC... 
Tube integrateds & Tube Preamp from Conrad Johnson
The CJ ACT2 is marvelous - perhaps far too neutral from the old CJ house sound for what you want but straddles the line of musicality vs resolution like nothing else I've heard. For my money and in my system simply the champeen - and I've had a la... 
Joni Mitchell Blue - Wow help me Agoners
Try finding the DCC version - it's much better than the standard or the remastered version out now. Love it! 
How to tame the midrange???
Baffled - how have you addressed power conditioning? I've found that a lot of harshness can be attributable to power quality sensitive power supplies and thererefore benefit dramatically from treatment. Things get smoother, less grainy/edgy and wi... 
Myth: low-power high-efficiency
ScottIntriguing development, please keep us informed of what you find. Very curious which PP amp have you decided to go with? I also second the idea of having multiple amps available to drop into the system. I've found that to be one way around th... 
EMM OWNERS Poll - What hangs off YOUR DAC?
Saddle1: The Indra is intriguing and the only cable I haven't been able to demo in my system. I do have the Prana Cosmos and Siltech Snow Lake IC as well as the Siltech Eskay Creek Speaker cables on loaner. I'm impressed with all of it but will re... 
Conrad Johnson ACT2 against Audio Research Ref 3
Oneobgyn is absolutely correct- the REF 3 is an outstanding preamp, certainly among a handful at the absolute pinnacle of the current state of the art, and so is the ACT2.At this level of system performance and price individual amp to preamp syner... 
Conrad Johnson ACT2 against Audio Research Ref 3
Had both these preamps in my system recently and it was a pretty quick and easy decision. Both myself and a friend who heard the comparison ended up purchasing the CJ ACT2. Another friend in a different ($1m+) system heard the same thing. In his s... 
Anybody hear the new DCS P8i?
I've had the EMM DCC2 with CDSD, the DCS8i and Reimyo here recently. The DCS is state of the art or near state of the art digital in the areas of image density, dynamics and a solid powerful bass where it rivals and emulates very very good analog....