

Discussions outlier has started

Review: FIM (First Impression Music) Gold Speaker cable119862
Amp Upgrade - 3k to 4k used?655217
Audio and Wine?641734
Integrated Amp for Girlfriend?796223
Better than FIM Gold?50287
Tube Hum?35694
Cool Amp Stands - what to get at a good price?38506
Dedicated Power Lines - How to?37275
DVD Regions - Any Workaround?376512
Need Advice on Downsizing :-546216
What's my next upgrade? Please advise.487611
120Volts to 220Volts?31289
Speaker upgrade - please advise.792623
Tube Replacements for SF Line 3?25694
Best Turntable at $1,500? Please Advise.785120